Sunday, February 18, 2007

Can you hear me now?

Well, no... no you can't. And why is that? My voice has gone AWOL! Yes, I realize that this is a fantasy that many who know me have had for a long, long time, but I think even they only mean "quiet for short periods" as opposed to croaking all day long. Still, those for whom this is sweet satisfaction, feel free to call....

But for the rest of ya, the news is that I can still type, so I'll direct you to my February Book Talk column over at the always-useful Go hence and see what I talked about back when I could talk.


Kelly said...

Great suggestions, Greg! I LOVE Dinosaur Roar. I can recite it, if you'd like :)

Greg Pincus said...

Normally I can recite it, too, but not today. "di...r m...." would be the best I could do.