Mary Quattlebaum
Mud hugger.
Sleek slider.
Snug in ground
you glide
that long
you make
and make
and constantly
Dirt eater.
Stone greeter.
Who do you know
in your
Mole in hidey-hole?
Shiny bug and snail?
O, slick pink belly!
O, quick-flip tail!
Where did you go?
© Mary Quattlebaum. All rights reserved.

Now, I admit a tiny part of me was hoping Mary would share a pirate poem with us here. I have two selfish reasons for this - I loved her book Pirate vs. Pirate from last year, and would be happy to see her continue in "book buccaneer" mode, AND I wanted to do some pirate writing. Something like "T' way she spins a yarn and uses rhythm and word choice t' make readin' so much fun be truly fantastic." But now I have no organic way to do so! Pity. Still, I am exceedingly happy to be able to share Earthworm with you all today, and very grateful to have author/poet/teacher/reviewer Mary Quattlebaum here at GottaBook as part of 30 Poets/30 Days.
Yesterday brought us Crystal Apples by Sara Holbrook. Tomorrow... What Is Poetry? by Bob Raczka. For more on 30 Poets/30 Days and ways to follow along, please click here.
Loved this! Thanks for sharing, Lorraine
Hah! Mud-hugger is a great description.
I love this wormy shape poem, brilliant!
This worm poem makes me so happy! I love the language and the ending too. Thank you Greg & Mary! a.
Yes, a whole worm symphony. Love this. "Stone greeter" was a nice surprise.
No, no, no no pirates for me, I love animal poems! Great wormification. enjoyed this very much. Is it a shape poem - it could be made into a worm.
Quattlebaum's children's poems are tight and right. Great descriptive words.
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