Thalia Chaltas
The Subject of Sex
waddling proudly into Biology
on five of its legs,
the sixth dangling damaged
previous encounters.
Dana looks up and gasps,
flush infusing,
mouth slightly ajar.
Kevin leers
and plucks inside his mouth
with a finger,
making a POP.
Noreen mutters darkly
from under her bangs.
Otis pecks calculations,
certain that next period’s exam
is far more important.
We’ve seen this Subject before
but never up close.
I try gauging who knows the most
from their reactions.
For sure it isn’t me.
Maybe Noreen.
Mr. Rose drones sequences of words like
And just in front of him,
The Subject of Sex
displays and preens,
rotating slowly to show us
all sides,
shaking that sixth leg
like a third-base coach
waving us
©Thalia Chaltas. All rights reserved.

If you've read Thalia's novels in verse, you'll know that she often deals with difficult subject matter and always in a way that, at least for me, commands attention rather than pushes me away. Her ability to give insight into characters with tremendous brevity and clarity... often surprising me with what she reveals... is something I wish I shared, I must say.
I love the perspective Thalia brings to the issues she deals with, and whether she's writing in verse or going full on prose, I look forward to whatever comes next. And in the meantime, I'm thrilled to have her here today as part of 30 Poets/30 Days.
Yesterday, Jon Agee gave us High Jump. Tomorrow... Stephen W. Cahill and Scatterpillars! For more on 30 Poets/30 Days and ways to follow along, please click here.
O.M.G. I am loving this! I will have to get thee to a Thalia Chaltas novel asap. Thank you, Greg, for hosting so many wonderful writers-- I always look forward to my daily fix!
Wow. This is brilliant. I am going to seek out more Caltas ASAP. Thank you, Greg.
Really enjoyed this one, Thalia. Brought back memories!
You. Must. Read. Thalia's. Novels. NOW. She is an awesome poet - - poignant, powerful, insightfu.
Brave. Funny. Thought-provoking. Thalia's quite amazing. Thanks to her, and to you, Greg!
Love your poem, Thalia!
Aaaaand, another book on the wobbling TBR pile. I cracked UP at this, and wonder indeed what happened to that sixth leg... or if I even want to know...
My cousin's class starts Sex Ed today in Grade 7. I wonder how often she's seen it come waddling in before. ☺
As much as I love 30/30 I never we'd get a sex education poem, and I applaud both you and Thalia for pushing the comfort zone. We need more sophisticated poems in general because kids today are growing up a whole heck of a lot faster than my generation ever did so thank you for this.
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