Sonya Sones
Whed sprig has cub,
the flowers bloob
add chase away
the widters gloob.
Whed sprig has sprug,
the robid sigs
a happy tood
add spreads its wigs.
Whed sprig's perfube
is blossobig,
I caddot sbell
a siggle thig!
©Sonya Sones. All rights reserved.
How much to I love
Sonya Sones' poem Hayfever? I love it more than spellchecker hates it, that's how much. Heck, I love it more than book banners love her
What My Mother Doesn't Know (one of the top 100 most banned books of the decade)!

If you haven't read Sonya Sones' novels in verse... well... just go and do so. Oh, I suppose you can
wait for her upcoming box set but you're only postponing what you know you should do. Her books are so vibrant and full of the type of detail that makes everything come alive for me... and yet she does it all with such economy. I read and enjoy. Then I read and try to learn. (But don't tell her!)

It's a good time to be a Sonya Sones fan, by the way. She's got a novel out in August with the fantastic title of
To Be Perfectly Honest (A Novel Based on an Un
true Story). And she's got a picture book for high school grads coming out soon co-written with her daughter, Ava. Perhaps that will lead me to a future 30 Poets/30 Days participant... but for now, I'm thrilled to have Sonya Sones here at GottaBook. Achooooo!
It's the first Poetry Friday of National Poetry Month, and you can
check out the roundup of all the goodies at author and poet
Robyn Hood Black's blog.
Heidi Bee Roemer brought us
3-D Geometry Geek. Tomorrow...
Doug Cushman with
Olympic Sprouts! For more on 30 Poets/30 Days and ways to follow along,
please click here.
Timely poem! This would be so much fun to read aloud!
I am right there. Or should that be, I ab right there. Love it.
Oh, Sonya - love your sense of humor! Thanks for posting this, Greg. It reminds me of one of my favorite Shel Silverstein poems - "Nentis Nan"
Love this, Greg. I am reading her book in prep for the poetry novel workshop I'm going to.
Love it!
Maybe it's because I just visited Sylvia's blog, but this made me want to break out afterwards with "Twas brillig and the slithy toves . . ."! It's a whole other language: "Hayfeberish." A lovely celebration of Sprig's Wigs, Sonya--your poetic range astounds!
Count me astounded with Janet.
Thanks for such a fun poetic look at the season, Sonya, and Greg - thanks for sharing this wonderful series!
Lub diss poem! Tanks for sharink.
Always tough to make such misspelled words SOUND believable (in one's own head or read out loud), but I think that Sonya pulls it off flawlessly here. Easy to read and to "become the character" on the very first read. Well done ...
Too much fun! This was a hoot to read aloud, which of course I did immediately.
I think spellcheck must just explode! Very fun.
Oh my that's CLEVER. I read it multiple times and each time my laughter increased. SONES POWER!!!!!!!!
Aw, thanks so much to everyone for the lovely cobbetts! You bade by day!
Oh, dear! When I wished for spring back on the first, I forgot that spring brings only misery to some!
I love this poem. I feel like I sound this way from April through November.
Such a fun poem!
Brilliant. And oh so timely. This is inspired.
Love, love LOVE this poem! Thanks Sonya - and thanks Greg, too!
Thanks to all the kindhearted folks who keep leaving these lovely compliments!
Ha ha ha! Very, funny. And so many kids would relate.
(Yikes! Another typo. Never mind the stray comma.)
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