Books & Me
Pat Mora
We belong
books and me,
like toast and jelly
o queso y tortillas.
Delicious! ¡Delicioso!
Like flowers and bees,
birds and trees,
books and me.
©2009 Pat Mora. All rights reserved.
Walter Dean Myers
How come my feet know how to meet
The sidewalk as I walk?
“Because of your brain, my love.”
How come my lips don’t ever slip
As I begin to talk?
“Your lovely brain, my pet”
How come my knees fly through the breeze
As I race along?
“Did I mention your B-R-A-I-N?”
How come my ears know what to hear
When I listen to a song?
“They’re connected to your brain!”
How come my eyes can judge the size
Of everything they see?
“Your brain, dummy!”
How come my wrists know how to twist
A knob or turn a key?
And how come my belly button just sits there in the middle of my stomach without doing one little bit of work, gets these little lint things in it, and feels funny if I touch it?
“Err…beats me.”
© Walter Dean Myers. All rights reserved.
(click here to see the original post and comments)

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