Saturday, November 29, 2008


I have been attempting to do my best bear impersonation (errr... imanimalation?) these past few days by eating so much that I can simply live off of it for months and months. It's unclear whether it will work (particularly as there's flourless chocolate cake one room away!), but I think you'd all applaud my efforts.

If any of you are also thinking of heading to a cave for a few weeks, let me know... or I'll just see you there!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

And happy Thanksgiving, too

It's a lonnnnng weekend here, and I hope, though am not sure, to come back from it blogging more regularly. Still much going on hereabouts, but I miss this place!

I hope all of y'all in the U.S. enjoy the holiday (and all of y'all everywhere can, too!), and hope that each of you have much to be thankful for this year.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Fibs. Yes... Fibs!

Fibs continue sprouting up around the Web (and world, I guess). "Where, Gregory K., where?" I hear you ask. Welllll, the new issue of the fib review is up. There's some inspired experimentation going on with the use of Fibonacci in this issue. Well worth checking out.

Then over at London Word Festival, they're doing a months long Search for the Golden Fib. Already some excellent examples up over there. Why not join in the fun?

There have been other Fib sightings, too, but those two should keep the Fibbers among you plenty busy....

Friday, November 21, 2008

A poetry re-issue: Thankful

It seems like a mighty fine time to dust off a Thanksgiving poem (originally posted right here)....

Gregory K.

You ask me what I'm thankful for....
I hope I don't sound jerky,
But I'm really, truly thankful that I wasn't born a turkey!

And why not go check out the Poetry Friday collected links over at author and readergirlz diva Holly Cupala's Brimstome Soup? You'll be glad you did....

If you want to get all my new poems (and only the poems) emailed to you for freeee as they hit the blog, enter your email address in the box below then click subscribe!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

The Carnival (November edition)

Sure, I'm being quiet, but if you need a kidlit fix, why not head on over to November's Carnival of Children's Literature (hosted at Mommy's Favorite Children's Books)? You'll be glad you did....

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Travel, with kidlit overtones

It is fun and funny to tool around Southern California and view things through a children's lit perspective. For example, this weekend, I saw many plants that clearly musta inspired Dr. Seuss to draw what he drew. Oh, sure, I have no proof of this inspiration, but you just look at some of our native flora and suddenly some of the good doctor's stuff doesn't seem as totally far-fetched anymore. I bet all of you in other locales can find similar points of reference.

In fact, perhaps many of you around the blog-reading-world have had the same experience as me: this weekend, I actually drove to where the pavement (and sidewalk) ends... and even drove beyond.

I am hoping to be duly inspired. But it was fun, regardless!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Shelved at last. Shelved at last.

Library two is shelved at last!

Hard to believe we're pushing into November and just now getting the second library open, but there was construction and provisioning and lots an lots of dust. Oh, and books. But intrepid volunteers have taken care of that and today we're thaaaaaat close to opening.

We have books, too, thanks to parental donations (and some from y'all!) and cannibalizing from our existing library. We have celebrity books (Carville, Foxworthy, the Barber brothers), quirky gems, and a Joyce Carol Oates' picture book. I think we're ready. Though it would be nice to have some of these titles, too.

This is one of many projects that's had me in blog-lite mode. All are actually progressing, so I remain lite... but I'm blogging every day in spirit!

Monday, November 10, 2008

What could make me re-surface?

How about learning that Douglas Florian is blogging! That'd do it.

So would someone offering lots of Reese's Cups, by the way. I'm just saying....

Thursday, November 06, 2008


Things are busy here in GottaBook land, so let this serve as a heads up that posting is potentially sporadic for a few weeks here. This doesn't mean I won't be posting. For all I know I'll be posting every day as random thoughts occur. But it also means I might not and that the silence has no major, hidden meaning (though I should also note that my Halloween stash of Reese's has gone to nil, and that can cause me to become withdrawn and moody. But I get over that!).

Now, watch me end up posting three times a day now that I've blogged this....

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

As it should be....

I have voted. The line at our polling place was only about 20 minutes long, and it was a beautiful day here at that. Everything went smoothly... and there was a wonderful feeling of community in our line, of a shared sense of purpose. I have no idea if people around me were Democrats or Republicans or Greens or anything else. At that moment, we were all just citizens exercising our rights, and we also shared agreement that it was a net positive that this many people cared enough to give up time, to make an effort, to VOTE.

Years ago, when someone asked me what I liked to read the most (beyond "funny" and "good thrillers!"), I realized that my favorite books, even ones that were darker, all offered one common theme: they were ultimately hopeful. That tends to drive me in my own writing, too. And today I found waiting in line offered that same feeling: this many people caring enough? That is ultimately hopeful. And that, to me, is as it should be.

Monday, November 03, 2008

Why I Vote

I’ve voted in every election since I was old enough to vote, a pattern of behavior that I suspect comes straight from my parents (who I recall voting and discussing elections and politics in a way that transcended party-line thinking). There have always been specific issues that I’ve been passionate about. As a writer and reader, for example, I care passionately about freedom of speech and threats to it. More recently, as an online enthusiast, I see threats to our freedoms there. These issues still are part of what drive me to cast my ballot.

But not terribly long ago, I became a parent. Now I constantly think about my children and the world they live in today and the world I want them to live in when they’re grown. So I vote in an attempt to deliver the future that I want for my children, and also because I want to exhibit behavior I want my kids to model.

Parents often say “use your words” to our kids. As adults, we need to “use our rights,” and we need our kids to see us do it. I use my right to free speech to talk about the issues with my children, and I talk about what it means to have the right to vote. As I said here, voting is more than just a word – it’s an action that gives us a voice.

So tomorrow I will go to the polls and use my voice for myself and my children. I’m going to vote... and I hope all of you who are registered do the same.

This post is written as part of the non-partisan, non-bashing Blog the Vote event. Please head over to Chasing Ray to see links to a wonderful collection of posts about voting.

(If you encounter problems while trying to vote, you can call the non-partisan Election Protection hotline at 1-866-OUR-VOTE or 1-888-VE-Y-VOTA.)