Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Do the blogoversary dance!

Fibs are on the house:
Today’s my Blogoversary!

Yes, one year ago today I penned my first blog entry, and what a year it’s been. I mean… Fibonacci poetry went viral. Hard to see that one coming when you read “Me? A librarian????”

Anyway, it’s been a blast spending the year with y’all… and there are so many of y’all… and I thank you once again for your support, camaraderie, Fibbishness, and friendship. More to come in year two, but it's late now, so I gotta book.


Anonymous said...

Happy blog birthday, Greg!

Disco Mermaids said...

Happy B-Day!!!

I'm glad our paths crossed so many times this year.

- Jay

Nancy said...

Oh Greg, happy happy blogthday!

and fun
flowing from
the first fellow of
full-fledged foolish frivolity.

(and I mean that in a GOOD way)

Barbara Bietz said...


Mazel Tov on your blogoversary! Not only have you accomplished great things, but you have been so gracious in sharing your knowledge and expertise with the rest of us!

Many Thanks!

Terry P. said...

Congratulations, Greg! A year of huge success in the blogosphere--you're an inspiration!

Anonymous said...

Hm. That means it's MY blogoversary, too!

Can that BE??


fusenumber8 said...

Aw... Congrats, Greg. Happy Fib Day.

Anonymous said...

'Twas a fine day for the kidlitosphere when you joined the party, Greg. Here's to another great year!

Anonymous said...

A belated Happy Blog Birthday, Greg! You've made the kidlitosphere much more fun than it would have been without you, that's for sure!

Anonymous said...

Happy blogoversary, Greg! (Sorry I'm late in sending wishes.) Here's a fib I wrote after buying a head of Romanesco cauliflower in Switzerland. It's a beautiful example of fractals in nature.

What's that?
Fractal food
Chou Romanesco
Fibs for your tummy—what a treat!

If you'd like to see a picture of Romanesco cauliflower, just google the term. It's really amazing.