This answers the biggest question I had before I launched: if I don't talk about it, will anyone find it? I think I've tweeted about it once this month, done no blog touring in June and... well... nothing else. And no, it's not still #1 on the Kindle Children's Poetry charts, but it is still being found. This makes me happy.
Over at the Happy Accident. when I return from a blogging haitus in July, I'll have much more about the hows and whys of what's happened to date. But in the meantime... thanks to all who have bought or spread the word!
Hi Greg. I'm late replying, but would be honored to give a shout out to your book on my blog for Poetry Friday. Would that be a good thing? I read through it from my iPad and/or iPhone often when I have some little bits of time. Gives me lots of good feelings when I do. Just let me know if you'd like that.
Oh, that'd be a fine thing, Linda, and a thing I'd much appreciate, too. More than that, though, I'm glad to know you enjoy the Late Bird!
Terrific! I'll get it ready. May I share one whole poem?
Thought id stop by to say hello. Richard from the Amish community of Lebanon,pa
Hi, Linda - you can always use the poems from here as long as you point back here! Sorry for my delayed reply!
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