Sunday, April 29, 2007

Chocolate Mousse! -- a dessert poem and a chocolate poem

Gregory K.

It’s creamy and dreamy – a chocolaty treat.
Like rich, whipped-up pudding that’s so fun to eat.
Just give me a bowl and I know that you’ll find...
Only a moussetache will be left behind!

(I'm posting an original poem-a-day through April in celebration of National Poetry Month. Links to this and other poems here on GottaBook (and there are lots of others, because poetry is NOT just for April) are collected over on the right of the blog under the headline "The Poems".)

If you want to get all my new poems (and only the poems) emailed to you for freeee as they hit the blog, enter your email address in the box below then click subscribe!


Anonymous said...


Greg Pincus said...

I have noooooo idea what you're talking about, MC. None. Nope. Can't imagine. Unless you're saying... that I... like... chocolate mousse? That's too limiting, however. I just plain old like chocolate!

But really... shhhhh. No one needs to know.

PS. I also like pecan pie, if others are looking for proper desserts should I ever dine with them. I'm such a giver!

Anonymous said...

You should try chocolate pecan pie! Very good!

Anonymous said...

you are really smart i was told by my teacher to write a poem so i chose chocolate mousse it goes like this (My mother makes chocolate mousse,sweeter than apple juice,she calls my cat puss puss puss,come and try too. My mother is a chocolate mousse maker, greater than the candymakers, she always tells me, chocolate mousse a day, keeps the gloom away.)

Anonymous said...

you are a book genius