Add a Letter, Find Another Word
(a word-finder's alphabet)
John Foster
When does the letter A create an opening?
When it turns jar into ajar.
Why is the letter B hot?
Because it turns oil into boil.
Why is the letter C skilful?
Because it turns raft into craft.
When is the letter D artistic?
When it turns raw into draw.
When is the letter E friendly?
When it turns mat into mate.
When does the letter F become airborne?
When it turns light into flight.
Why is the letter G deadly?
Because it turns rave into grave.
When does the letter H cry out?
When it turns owl into howl.
Why is the letter I angry?
Because it turns rate into irate.
When does the letter J sound harsh?
When it turns angle into jangle.
Why is the letter K good at tying?
Because it turns not into knot.
Why is the letter L good at making chains?
Because it turns inks into links.
Why is letter M good at multiplying?
Because it turns any into many.
Why is the letter N good at subtracting?
Because it turns one into none.
Why is the letter O good at providing access?
Because it turns pen into open.
Why is the letter P polite?
Because it turns lease into please.
Why is the letter Q quite sickening?
Because it helps to turn easy into queasy.
When is the letter R careless?
When it turns ash into rash.
Why is the letter S good at digging?
Because it turns hovel into shovel.
When does the letter T make a down-and –out?
When it turns ramp into tramp.
When does the letter U create a custom?
When it turns sage into usage.
Why is the letter V wicked?
Because it turns ice into vice.
When does the letter W create a turnaround?
When it turns heel into wheel.
When does the letter X reveal the inside story?
When it turns ray into X-ray.
When does the letter Y create longing?
When it turns earn into yearn.
Why is the letter Z bizarre?
Because it turns any into zany.
©John Foster. All rights reserved.
Dear editors who read GottaBook - would you please contact
John Foster and inquire about turning the above poem into a picture book? It is very, very clever and even I, the non-visual guy, can see wonderful illustration potential. Thank you.

Word play is a recurring joy in John Foster's poetry, as is what I'd best describe as "smarts." (Note: I was going to make some reference to a letter S and turning marts into smarts, but geez... it's hard to do what he has done up above in a coherent way!). Head on out to
read a couple poems at his site and while you're there, listen to him reading/performing a few poems, too. If you choose to attempt your own performance of
Sean Short's Short Shorts, don't blame me if you have to ice your tongue after....

Besides being a wordsmith in his own right, John Foster also puts together fantastic anthologies, an art in and of itself. This means y'all have a lot of options when you leave this post... but in the meantime, I hope you share my happiness at having him here today as part of 30 Poets/30 Days.
G. Neri brought us the
June Bug Bash. Tomorrow...
Lesléa Newman with
Teen Angels. For more on 30 Poets/30 Days and ways to follow along,
please click here.