
Monday, May 02, 2011

Many Poets/One Day - The 2011 30 Poets/30 Days Wrap Up

Logo by Mary Peterson
What a long, wonderful, jam-packed edition of 30 Poets/30 Days (neither of which is accurate this time around) it's been. I had such a blast, I must say.

One bit of news for the eagle-eyed among you: Kenn Nesbitt was listed on the announcement post but due to my late ask, his busy schedule, and my rule that this event is never about stress, his poem is going to come at some point in the future. Since he was one of the reasons the first edition of this event came together (and because he's wildly funny), I will be happy to have him here anytime at all!

And now, with no further ado, a look back at this year (and two bonus links for you, too):

Douglas Florian - April is the Coolest Month
Janet Wong - Eyes-to-Eyes
Marilyn Singer - A Stick Is an Excellent Thing
Joseph Bruchac - Siguan
April Halprin Wayland - Dear Whoever Composes the Sky
Graham Denton - I Am Huffing, I Am Puffing
George Ella Lyon - No Need for Metaphor
Avis Harley - Clerihews
Tracie Vaughn Zimmer - Fantasy
Jamie Adoff - Soul Food
Susan Marie Swanson - Art Space
Elaine Magliaro - Dinosaur Dung
Charles Ghigna - Be Still in the World
Laura Purdie Salas - How to Talk to a Girl
Carole Boston Weatherford - A BAT CAVE: An Abecedarian Bedtime Chronicle
Heidi Mordhorst - The Playroom Floor Writes a Novel
Arnold Adoff - orien berg strasse
James Carter - go, poem
Joyce Sidman - Mudbath, Interrupted
Ann Whitford Paul - Caterpillar
David L. Harrison - Chess
Carmen T. Bernier-Grand - "I am God"
Calef Brown - Backstory: an excerpt
Jorge Argueta - Las Dos Piedritas/Two Little Stones
Liz Garton Scanlon - Word of Mouth
Ralph Fletcher - Mystery Flower
Julie Larios - Far From Home
Brod Baggert - If I...
Bobbie Katz - Haiku for a Jiving Djembe
Alan Katz - 101 Donations
Joan Bransfield Graham - ONE LANGUAGUE: Listening to Saint-Saens' The Swan
Francisco X. Alarcón - On Monday I Feel Like a Dragon/El lunes me siento como un dragón
Charles Waters - I Wear Mommy's Dress
Greg Pincus - I Put Each Carrot In a Suit
J. Patrick Lewis - The Voice of the Voiceless
Rebecca Dotlich - Skating Pond
Nikki Grimes - Busted; Closet; Someone Like Me (three tanka)
Kurt Cyrus - The Mummy and the Mermaid
Linda Sue Park - Explaining Baseball to an Alien
Kristine O'Connell George - Daze of the Week
Jane Yolen - The Alphabet: A Found Poem
Kathi Appelt - What Was She Thinking

Not enough poetry for you? Well, to see the prior years' roundups, click on the logos below....

30 Poets/30 Days - April, 2010
Logo by Bonnie Adamson

30 Poets/30 Days - April/2009

There are, as always, so many people to thank for making 30 Poets/30 Days possible and successful. First off, thanks to all the poets for their generosity in being part of this celebration. Thanks, too, to all my friends in the blogosphere for their support and ideas all year round, not just now. I must give one more big hat tip to Mary Peterson for designing the logo. And finally, huge thanks to all of you who subscribe or come on by these parts and make doing this so worthwhile.

Poetry's a year-round thang here, so I hope you're not going away. Besides, it's only 11 months until National Poetry Month is here again! I'm looking forward to that and everything before it... but for now, I gotta book.


  1. Fabulous! Thanks Greg and all the poets. What a great resource!

  2. Can't thank you enough for all that you do Greg!!!!!!
