
Monday, May 02, 2011

I've Got a Matching Grant to Help Spread the Word!

I'm excited to tell y'all that I've got a matching grant of $500 to help my Poetry: Spread the Word project. This means that for the next $500 donated (or maybe it's down to $400 at this point since pledges have been coming in!), it'll be matched dollar for dollar to help me be able to give away more visits to more schools.

So, if you wanna check the project out, now would be a good time :-)

I must add that I'm so touched and gratified by all the support the project and I have gotten. Yes, the financial support is fabulous (see below!), yet I appreciate every tweet, comment, email, "like", Facebook update, and everything that folks are doing to help.

Believe me - I know that contributions aren't possible for everything we all want to help. Support, though, comes in many ways, and it's really been amazing to see. So, thank you!

Probably the biggest news in all of this, by the way, is that as of yesterday, Poetry: Spread the Word hit its funding goal! This means I'll be visiting (virtually or in person) 40 schools over the next year and posting 100 poems here, too. And we're not done - for every additional $100 raised, I will give away another visit. Right now, this already means five more schools... and I hope it will be many more.

Again, thank you all. We are spreading poetry, and that, I think, is a beautiful thing.


  1. Huge Congratulations, Greg. It is a fabulous project (a no brainer to support) and such fun to think of us supporting you all year long. Woot!!!

  2. Here (late) to thank you for everything YOU're doing to spread the poetry word. I'm going to enjoy going back and reading all 30 posts--I wasn't able to keep up during the weeks of April as well as I would have liked.

    Now I'll take a few moments to figure out exactly what your project is and do what I should have done a long time ago...
