
Friday, May 01, 2009

Thirty Poets/One Day (or, wrapping it all up)

It had to happen - National Poetry Month and the first ever 30 Poets/30 Days are done. I'd be sad, but I just can't be when I look at what happened here this month. To review:

Jack Prelutsky - A Little Poem For Poetry Month
Rebecca Kai Dotlich - Midnight Stray
Charles Ghigna - A Poem Is...
X. J. Kennedy - Ladder to the Moon
Ann Whitford Paul - Owl
Jaime Adoff - Rock n Roll Dad
Marilyn Singer - In the Museum
Adam Rex - The Flight Before Christmas
Joyce Sidman - Spring is the Time
Bruce Lansky - Rules for Spot
Avis Harley - Perfect Pitch
Nikki Grimes - All Eyes
Lee Bennett Hopkins - SPRING
Linda Sue Park - Villanelle: Why I Love Libraries
Mary Ann Hoberman - I Dreamt I Saw a Dinosaur
Betsy Franco - Me and Joe Lining Up After Recess
Jon Scieszka and Emily Dickinson - 200 Typing Monkeys Almost Make It
Kristine O'Connell George - Skeleton at Dinner
Arnold Adoff - n o justice n o p e a c e
Jane Yolen - My Teacher
Gregory K. - I Went to the Farm Where Spaghetti Is Grown
Janet Wong - My Green Grandfather
Nikki Giovanni - My Sister and Me
J. Patrick Lewis - The Poet of the World
Julie Larios - No Strings Attached
Joan Bransfield Graham - I am the Poem
Kenn Nesbitt - My Chicken's On The Internet
April Halprin Wayland - How to Read a Poem Aloud
Douglas Florian - kinda, sorta
Pat Mora - Books & Me

At the halfway point, I said "Wow!" I stand by that statement here at the end, too :-)

There are so many people to thank in regards to 30 Poets/30 Days, and many of them have been mentioned here before. So for today, I'll break it down into three groups - my family and friends, offline and online, for answering logistical questions, showering the project with link love, and brainstorming ways to spread the word; all the poets for showing such amazing generosity and support; all of you for reading along this month. You're the reason we're here!

Now, I must add that at GottaBook, I celebrate poetry year round, so the end of this month only means there won't be a poem EVERY day. But there will be new poetry here in the weeks and months ahead. Some will be by me, of course, but there will be surprises, too. So if you're new to these parts, I do hope you'll stick around. And if you've already been sticking around for awhile... well... yay and thanks! And just think... it's only 11 months until the NEXT National Poetry Month.

Finally, it's Poetry Friday! Why not head over to Maya Ganeson's blog allegro and check out the roundup of poetry posts. April's over, but the Kidlitosphere poetically rocks on....

More on Monday but for now, I gotta book!


  1. Greg, I can only imagine the work you put into 30 Days by assessing just what a success it has been. Thank you for your amazing effort, for introducing me to poets I hadn't met, for gently directing my attention to features of their poetry, and teaching me so much.

    Above all, thanks for making it such FUN!

  2. Greg, I echo what BOOK CHOOK says - your efforts this month have been greatly appreciated by all of us whose morning ritual for the month of April turned into 1)Make cup of coffee and 2)Read the Gottabook poem. Lovely mornings, lovely poems. Thanks.

  3. Anonymous1:44 AM

    Thank you again, Greg, for this fabulous poetic adventure.

  4. I agree! Thank you for putting this fabulous series together! I couldn't wait to get to my email every morning to read the new poem. I'm a teacher, so I passed them along to my colleagues. Thanks so much for all of your hard work!


    Dear Poetry Laureate of the Internet:

    Again, THANK YOU for your tireless efforts during April.

    You may never realize how much you
    brought to the genre.

    What special posts.

    What a special guy@


  6. I truly enjoyed your 30 Poets/30 Days, Greg! Thank you!

  7. Well, thanks, y'all! I had so much fun with this, and every day I really couldn't wait to put up the next post. I hope the next 11 months feel that way for me at the blog, let me tell you!

  8. Anonymous9:18 AM

    Gregory, I so enjoyed the poem a day all month. Thank you for putting this celebration together!

  9. Thank you from Estonia. I shared many of the poems with my grade 3 students in International School of Estonia. Jack Prelutsky and Ken Nesbitt are their favorite poets.
    Ms. Terje

  10. Ann Rousseau Smith10:33 AM

    Thank you, Greg, for a wonderful month of poems. I enjoyed every post.
    Superb idea.
    Superb execution.
    Poetry Laureate of the Internet, indeed!

  11. Great job! I can't believe you took this on, but you blew it out of the park, dawg! (I'm practicing my American Idol Randy.)

  12. Three cheers (no, make that 30 cheers) for you, Greg. It was indeed a wonderful gift that you gave us. You get my vote as well for Poet Laureate of the Internet. Congratulations on bringing poetry to so many adults and children this month.

  13. Thanks so much.

    This has been a wonderful month.

  14. Greg you really rocked Poetry Month!! Thanks so much for all the work you put into it, and thanks to all the poets who offered their words. It's a great collection!

  15. I loved this month of poems, and so did my 8-year-old. Thank you.
