
Thursday, April 30, 2009

Pat Mora - Books & Me

Books & Me
Pat Mora

We belong
books and me,
like toast and jelly
o queso y tortillas.
Delicious! ¡Delicioso!

Like flowers and bees,
birds and trees,
books and me.

©2009 Pat Mora. All rights reserved.

Pat Mora has written oodles of picture books and poetry for kids (and teens), has published non-fiction and poetry for adults, and won a scad of awards along the way. Yet she still has time to be the driving force behind El día de los niños/El día de los libros (Children's Day/Book Day), now celebrating its 13th anniversary. You can read more about Día by clicking that link or by checking out the Bookjoy! blog. I hope you'll be celebrating today!

Books & Me is such a wonderful conclusion to this month, at least to my eyes. The poem is a sweet, perfect capture of a feeling that I suspect is quite prevalent among readers of GottaBook. And I love, love, love how this poem illustrates language and cultural differences while still highlighting the universal. Good stuff, indeed, and just one of the many reasons why it really is a treat and a pleasure to have a Pat Mora poem to send us out on a celebratory note here at the conclusion of 30 Poets/30 Days.

Yesterday, we kinda, sorta had a visit with Douglas Florian. Tomorrow, a final recap of 30 Poets/30 Days!


  1. I love that these are in both Spanish and English; much of the non-classroom Spanish I learned was from books such as these

  2. Anonymous5:41 AM

    Love this - what a great way to end the month!

  3. Anonymous7:07 AM

    I picked up a Pat Mora book at a library sale and fell in love with it. What a great way to learn Spanish too!

    Thanks for a fabulous monthful of poems!

  4. Really sweet poem--and to echo rhapsodyinbooks, thanks for the wonderful daily poems and poets.
