
Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Halfway! (or 15 Poets/15 Days)

Today is not only income tax day here in the U.S. It's not only the ides of April. It's also the halfway point in 30 Poets/30 Days. Shall we review what we've seen so far? Yes!

Jack Prelutsky - A Little Poem For Poetry Month
Rebecca Kai Dotlich - Midnight Stray
Charles Ghigna - A Poem Is...
X. J. Kennedy - Ladder to the Moon
Ann Whitford Paul - Owl
Jaime Adoff - Rock n Roll Dad
Marilyn Singer - In the Museum
Adam Rex - The Flight Before Christmas
Joyce Sidman - Spring is the Time
Bruce Lansky - Rules for Spot
Avis Harley - Perfect Pitch
Nikki Grimes - All Eyes
Lee Bennett Hopkins - SPRING
Linda Sue Park - Villanelle: Why I Love Libraries
Mary Ann Hoberman - I Dreamt I Saw a Dinosaur

I'm probably biased, but can I just say "Wow!"? What's just as amazing to me... we still have 15 more poems and poets to go, and I'm excited about each and every one of them. I thank you all for coming along on the ride and encourage you to keep on coming back, keep spreading the word, and keep letting us know what you think.

More soon, but now I gotta book.

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