
Thursday, April 30, 2015

Seven Incredible Things a Poem Can Do! (The Third One Blew Me Away!)

Seven Incredible Things a Poem Can Do!
(The Third One Blew Me Away!)
Greg Pincus

A poem can tickle your senses.
A poem can capture a scene.
A poem can fill you with sorrow and joy
And every emotion between.

A poem can hammer out justice.
A poem can plant a truth's seed.
A poem can conjure up healing and hope.
A poem can be what you need.

Is there still a place for a poem in a world full of widely shared, attention grabbing content? Of course there is, particularly with the right title! Seriously, though, poetry was widely shared and attention grabbing for thousands of years before "meme" was even coined, and it's still going strong.

National Poetry Month is coming to a close today, but poetry goes on and on and does soooo many incredible things all the time. So celebrate poetry always. Share it widely. Because sometimes, a poem can be exactly what you need.

If you want to get all my poems emailed to you for freeee as they hit the blog, enter your email address in the box below then click subscribe:

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

I've Bean Too Quiet....

I've been a little quiet here on the blog this poetry month, but if you've run into me elsewhere, you have likely heard me talking about S&W Premium Beans fantastic poetry book giveaway.

Yes, you can win 17 autographed poetry books (including my novel with poetry, The 14 Fibs of Gregory K., as well as books by Nikki Grimes and Linda Sue Park and Lee Wardlaw and and and!!!!!). How can you have a chance at winning 'em?

Submit a bean poem by the end of the month for a chance! It's that easy!

Details are at their Facebook page. It's Super&Welcome that a big company is pushing poetry, don't you think? I do!

Friday, April 24, 2015

Walk On - a walking poem

Walk On
Greg Pincus

When thumbtacks are strewn on the paths we must tread,
When sharp, jagged rocks are behind and ahead,
When we have to walk miles on freezing, slick snow,
When puddles of liquid hide dangers below,
When we cross hot pavement or scorching, red coals...
These are the times that will try all our soles.

And you're thinking "he really went there in National Poetry Month and on Poetry Friday?" And, well, yes... he did! If you're still craving more, the good news is that you can see what else is out there, too, if you head on over to No Water River to see this week's Poetry Friday roundup. There's great stuff posted there (including Renee's description of what Poetry Friday is and how to be a part of it).

And if you want to get all my poems emailed to you for freeee as they hit the blog, enter your email address in the box below then click subscribe:

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Come Say "Hi!" at the Los Angeles Times Festival of Books!

If you're in Los Angeles on Saturday the 18th, I hope you'll come say "hi" to me at the LA Times Festival of Books.

I'll be signing copies of The 14 Fibs of Gregory K. at the SCBWI booth (that's booth 834) from 12-2. I'll have a few copies available for sale, cash only, or you can bring your own copy OR you can just stop by and say hi because, well, because "hi!!!"

As if that's not enough, you can come see me earlier on Saturday at the Darby Pop booth (booth 066) where I'll also be signing, but in this case, I'll be signing copies of Indestructible... a comic book whose main character happens to be named Greg Pincus. Honest! The creator of the book and some of the amazing artists will be there, too (all weekend, actually), so please check 'em out.

The LATFOB, as it's lovingly known, is a great place to spend some time. There are soooo many amazing children's literature folk will be there that I know I'll be spending all afternoon chatting (and buying, too). I hope to see you there!

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Clothes Don't Make the Poet...

But they DO make a good post, I tell ya!

Last week, Tabatha was nice enough to feature some of my poetry over at Author Amok (which you should be and maybe are reading already, of course, so if you already saw the post, forgive me). It's a post that features a few of my clothing-related poems and much more (and is part of a larger feature on clothing/poetry that you should be checking out (as per my prior parenthetical)). I hope you'll check it out....

Wednesday, April 01, 2015

National. Poetry. Month!

Ahhh, April! You come in with Foolishness and sustain us with poetry all month long.

This year here at Gottabook... well... there is no master plan for celebrating the month. I have put a pin in 30 Poets/30 Days for now, though it may very well be back in 2016. And this year, unlike when I began here in 2006, I'm not posting an original poem a day, either. There will be poetry love here during the month, no doubt, but there's not an ongoing thang.

Luckily, throughout the kidlitosphere, many others are celebrating in big, clear ways, so I'm going to send you to this great list of fun goings-on compiled by Jama at Jama's Alphabet Soup.

I look forward to seeing you here, there, and everywhere during April (and beyond)!