
Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Come Say "Hi!" at the Los Angeles Times Festival of Books!

If you're in Los Angeles on Saturday the 18th, I hope you'll come say "hi" to me at the LA Times Festival of Books.

I'll be signing copies of The 14 Fibs of Gregory K. at the SCBWI booth (that's booth 834) from 12-2. I'll have a few copies available for sale, cash only, or you can bring your own copy OR you can just stop by and say hi because, well, because "hi!!!"

As if that's not enough, you can come see me earlier on Saturday at the Darby Pop booth (booth 066) where I'll also be signing, but in this case, I'll be signing copies of Indestructible... a comic book whose main character happens to be named Greg Pincus. Honest! The creator of the book and some of the amazing artists will be there, too (all weekend, actually), so please check 'em out.

The LATFOB, as it's lovingly known, is a great place to spend some time. There are soooo many amazing children's literature folk will be there that I know I'll be spending all afternoon chatting (and buying, too). I hope to see you there!


  1. Anonymous7:33 PM

    Oh, wow, Greg, you were there, too?! From pics I've seen, it looks like it was an amazing event :)

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