
Thursday, April 30, 2015

Seven Incredible Things a Poem Can Do! (The Third One Blew Me Away!)

Seven Incredible Things a Poem Can Do!
(The Third One Blew Me Away!)
Greg Pincus

A poem can tickle your senses.
A poem can capture a scene.
A poem can fill you with sorrow and joy
And every emotion between.

A poem can hammer out justice.
A poem can plant a truth's seed.
A poem can conjure up healing and hope.
A poem can be what you need.

Is there still a place for a poem in a world full of widely shared, attention grabbing content? Of course there is, particularly with the right title! Seriously, though, poetry was widely shared and attention grabbing for thousands of years before "meme" was even coined, and it's still going strong.

National Poetry Month is coming to a close today, but poetry goes on and on and does soooo many incredible things all the time. So celebrate poetry always. Share it widely. Because sometimes, a poem can be exactly what you need.

If you want to get all my poems emailed to you for freeee as they hit the blog, enter your email address in the box below then click subscribe:


  1. This is the perfect poem to celebrate the last day of National Poetry Month!

  2. So true. And what a great title. Thanks for wrapping up Poetry Month with a great poem!

  3. And the third comment, in particular, was brilliant! (oh. That's THIS comment. What a coincidence.)

    Good stuff, Greg!

  4. Is there a way to nominate this poem for a "poem in your pocket" postcard?! I love it.

    Your "headline" cracked me up -- I was just having a conversation with someone about social media "bait" this past week. I never thought to use it for good in poetry! Well done!

  5. A poem can definitely be what you need! Perfect ending to a poetic month. :-)

  6. Correct on all counts! I'm adding this to my collection of poems about poetry. Thanks for sharing!

  7. I'm just hoping that someday there will be a collection of Pincus Poems on the poetry shelf in my classroom. I love your style!
