
Wednesday, April 01, 2015

National. Poetry. Month!

Ahhh, April! You come in with Foolishness and sustain us with poetry all month long.

This year here at Gottabook... well... there is no master plan for celebrating the month. I have put a pin in 30 Poets/30 Days for now, though it may very well be back in 2016. And this year, unlike when I began here in 2006, I'm not posting an original poem a day, either. There will be poetry love here during the month, no doubt, but there's not an ongoing thang.

Luckily, throughout the kidlitosphere, many others are celebrating in big, clear ways, so I'm going to send you to this great list of fun goings-on compiled by Jama at Jama's Alphabet Soup.

I look forward to seeing you here, there, and everywhere during April (and beyond)!


  1. I am sorry to hear this! I have come to look forward to the excellent poems you have gathered. I am glad that you have past years posted, I will just have to content myself with revisiting them. I hope you come back to the concept next year--fingers crossed!

  2. Really sad to hear there won't be a 30 Days celebration this year! It's been one of my favorite April celebrations for the past several years! Please come back in 2016!

  3. Just wanted you to know how much you are missed. I hope what's keeping you away is something fabulous ( a new book? script? trip around the world?) that you will share some day.

  4. Miss you, Greg! I loooooved your clothes poems collected by Tabatha. I think maybe I need to send you an email...I'm having some thoughts.

  5. Anonymous11:12 PM

    Greg, I admire your stick-to-it-iveness when it comes to knowing when to and when not to worry about 30-day celebrations :D
