
Monday, January 30, 2012

Can You Hear the Voices - a mysterious poem

Can You Hear the Voices?
Greg Pincus

Can you hear the voices floating on the air?
They carry the wishes
Of birds, plants and fishes
And words of each animal prayer.

Can you hear the voices floating on the air?
They whisper and moan.
They howl and groan
And have secrets they’re longing to share.

Can you hear the voices floating on the air?
Me neither.
But that doesn’t mean they’re not there.

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Friday, January 27, 2012

Whipped Cream - a food poem/a dessert poem

Whipped Cream
Greg Pincus

Whipped cream!
Whipped cream!
My, oh, my!
Pile it, pile it, pile it high.
In blobby mounds or nice and swirled,
I don’t care, it rocks my world.
It’s great on cookies, pie and cake,
And high atop a creamy shake.
Pudding gets a lot more dreamy
Topped with something whipped and creamy.
Yummy on banana splits
In fact, I have to say that it’s
The perfect food, without debate.
Yes, give me whipped cream on my plate!

The Poetry Friday Roundup is over at Hey, Jim Hill! (which is, unsurprisingly, the blog of author Jim Hill). Check it out, and then have a little whipped cream for yourself.

If you want to get all my poems emailed to you for freeee as they hit the blog, enter your email address in the box below then click subscribe!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

I'm Great at Dodging Raindrops - a rainy day poem

I'm Great at Dodging Raindrops
Greg Pincus

I’m great at dodging raindrops.
I love it when it pours.
So when it started raining here,
I hurried straight outdoors.
I must have dodged five thousand drops!
Oh, sure... I’m soaking wet.
But I didn’t try to dodge them all.
I’m not quite that good.

If you want to get all my poems emailed to you for freeee as they hit the blog, enter your email address in the box below then click subscribe!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

An Interview with Author Eve Yohalem About Platform, Self-Pubbing and More

Over at The Happy Accident, I have an interview with fellow children's book author Eve Yohalem. Eve's been published by Chronicle and has a book of short stories out that she published independently. In the interview, we talk more about creating a platform and how Eve worked hard to create something that fits HER.

I think this is really critical - we always hear "you gotta do this" or "do that!" but the reality is that each of us has different comfort levels, time available, and goals. I like the way Eve experimented to help herself, too. I hope you'll check out the interview.

For more children's lit related interviews, check out the Interview Wednesday roundup over at the Teaching Authors blog.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Why I Didn't Turn In My Homework - a school poem/an excuse poem

Why I Didn’t Turn In My Homework
Greg Pincus

I left it at home.
It made me weep.
I did other work.
I fell asleep.

I must’ve lost it.
I did it last week!
What? There was homework?
To me it was Greek.

My printer was dead.
I don’t understand what it’s supposed to teach me and that wasn’t explained and I don’t learn anything when you give me a number grade or a check mark with no explanation of how to get better so the homework is a waste of my time and I didn’t do it because I hate it.
It’s not due tomorrow?
My doggie ate it.

Today's poem was inspired by the poetry prompt over at The Miss Rumphius Effect. It might've also been inspired by some real-life observation, too, and it's quite clearly from a student POV!

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Friday, January 20, 2012

My Favorite Shirt - a poem

My Favorite Shirt
Greg Pincus

This shirt is great - the best I’ve worn.
Who cares if it’s all frayed and torn
Or that it’s old, and I’ve been growing
And when I stretch my belly’s showing?
The words it showed in blue and red
Are gone (though I know what they said).
I know it’s stained. That’s good for me:
Each splotch contains a memory.
I love this shirt with all my heart.
I’ll wear it 'til it falls apart.
So wash it, please, with love and caring...
To make it last for one more wearing.

The Poetry Friday roundup is up over at the Wild Rose Reader. Check it out (and you might want to check out Elaine's whole blog while you're there, too, if you're a poetry fan). And those of you who know me and are gonna ask... no, I can't pick just ONE favorite shirt of my own.

If you want to get all my poems emailed to you for freeee as they hit the blog, enter your email address in the box below then click subscribe!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Laurel Snyder on Skype

Over at The Happy Accident, I have an interview with author Laurel Snyder about her doing 100 Skype class visits in 100 Days. If you've ever thought about Skype visits or wondered about them or had a nutty idea like 100 in 100... you oughta go read it. And if you haven't... well, I still encourage you to go read it - Laurel's answers to my questions are really fabulous.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Commenting about Commenting

Over on my other blog, The Happy Accident, I have a post up talking about both creating comment-worthy comment AND the "art" of adding comments, too. There's a fine conversation going on in, you guessed it, the comments of the post.

I'd love you to head on over and add your thoughts, too.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

A Message from Saturday the 14th - a non-holiday poem

A Message from Saturday the 14th
Greg Pincus

You see? You’re still here.
There was nothing to fear.
The 13th is a terrible tease.

And me? I’ve been waiting,
Relaxed as a bird on the breeze.

I know I could mention
I get no attention,
Yet truly, it doesn’t annoy me.

And so I just say,
“I’m a fabulous day.
Don’t waste me, my friends. Enjoy me!”

I was gonna dazzle y'all with a fancy word for the fear of the number 14 instead of the standard triskaidekaphobia comment... but it turns out there isn't a real term. Man, the 13th really does get all the attention. So unfair....

If you want to get all my poems emailed to you for freeee as they hit the blog, enter your email address in the box below then click subscribe!

Friday, January 13, 2012

The Evolution of the Toilet (A Brief History) - a poem

The Evolution of the Toilet (A Brief History)
Greg Pincus


Oh, come on now... you didn't really expect every one of my poems to be all empowering and stuff like the last one, did you? :-) Since writing this poem, I've actually had a lot of fun with the whole "a brief history" concept, using it as a writing exercise/prompt for myself. Perhaps you'll see more some time in the future. Or, you know, I could flush the whole idea....

This week's Poetry Friday roundup is up over at A Teaching Life. Head on over and check it out (and maybe there'll be other history lessons, too. You just never know....)

And if you want to get all my poems emailed to you for freeee as they hit the blog, enter your email address in the box below then click subscribe!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

How to Keep a Poetry Lover Up Late

 I just got a copy of Lewis Turco's revised and expanded editions of The Book of Forms. It includes odd and invented forms (including me and The Fib on page 214!), and, I gotta say I could read it all night long.

So many forms, so little time!

Anyone have a favorite quirky form? Feel free to leave it in the comments or send me off to it in the Book of Forms itself. So many of these I'd never heard of, and I'm sure I'm missing some great ones.

Sunday, January 08, 2012

Doesn't this seem like a picture book waiting to happen?

I just saw this story of a man whose slipper order came in size 1450 instead of 14.50 (whoever it was who shared it recently on Facebook, thank you), and it struck me that it's like a mix of Clifford and Where the Wild Things Are and... oh, I dunno. It just made me smile, I guess.

Regardless, that's one big slipper!

Friday, January 06, 2012

Instructions for Helping the World

Instructions for Helping the World
Greg Pincus

Write a poem.
Work with clay.
Draw or paint a day away.
Knit or dance.
Make a song.
Film a movie all night long.
Use your hands,
Brain and heart.
Live! Create!
Go make some art.

I had so many different titles for this one that I think they could make a "list" poem all by themselves.... To see how others are kicking off this year in poetry, head on over to Teaching Authors for the first Poetry Friday roundup of the year.

And if you want to get all my poems emailed to you for freeee as they hit the blog, enter your email address in the box below then click subscribe!

Tuesday, January 03, 2012

The Cybils and Walter Dean Myers

I'll add my voice to the cheering chorus about the selection of Walter Dean Myers as the new National Ambassador for Young People's Literature. He's a fantastic choice. (And hey, he's even been to GottaBook as part of 30 Poets/30 Days!)

Not enough children's literature related excitement for you? Well, then, the Cybils finalists have been announced. Fantastic books in there in all sorts of categories (and good apps, too), and I'm actually quite relieved not to be a judge this year having to make final decisions.

Good ways to kick off the new year, indeed....

Sunday, January 01, 2012

How to Keep One New Year's Resolution - a new year's poem/a resolution poem

How to Keep One New Year’s Resolution
Greg Pincus

Here’s my resolution trick:
Resolve to break one really quick.
That way when the “break” is done,
You’re guaranteed of keeping one.

Happy New Year! May you keep all your resolutions (unless, of course, you resolve to break one, in which case you'll either break that resolution or another one or... oh... never mind.).

If you want to get all my poems emailed to you for freeee as they hit the blog, enter your email address in the box below then click subscribe!