
Sunday, January 08, 2012

Doesn't this seem like a picture book waiting to happen?

I just saw this story of a man whose slipper order came in size 1450 instead of 14.50 (whoever it was who shared it recently on Facebook, thank you), and it struck me that it's like a mix of Clifford and Where the Wild Things Are and... oh, I dunno. It just made me smile, I guess.

Regardless, that's one big slipper!


  1. What a fun story! I can't imagine the cost of shipping that giant slipper!

  2. Yeah. The shipping musta been expensive. And think of how much it must've cost to make vs. a 14.50 size one? There's enough odd about it that it might not be the whole story... but who cares. That slipper's worth it.

  3. Didn't the makers think something might be wrong? A phone call could have saved time and money. Great pic though.

  4. Just ran into your blog when I googled "poem about a pillow". Your "Perfect Pillow" poem is awesome, and the story about the slipper made me really really laugh, so thank you for sharing! =o)

  5. That's great. He can turn the slippers into chairs.

  6. At first I thought this was going to be about the article I read in the NYTimes this morning about a man who dropped his shoe on the subway tracks! That might not make a bad picture book, either.

  7. I'm pretty sure I need that slipper, Greg. I could rest my feet on it under my desk.

  8. As a person who adores slippers, (don't leave home without em) this made me laugh out right. I gotta have me a pair.Thanks for sharing.

  9. Anonymous6:57 PM

    I wonder if they have a return or exchange policy? LOL. Thanks for sharing the pic and story.

  10. Hi Greg! Just wandered over to your blog through Comment Challenge. The picture of the man in a big slipper made me LOL! There's definitely a funny story to be told here. Perhaps even a poem. Looking forward to reading what you have in store.

  11. Hi Greg! This is such a funny story. Can you imagine the look on his face when it was delivered! Wow! Hilarious. Thanks for sharing.

  12. I seriously doubt that's true, but it certainly is a hilarious picture and sounds like a fun picture book indeed.
