
Friday, January 20, 2012

My Favorite Shirt - a poem

My Favorite Shirt
Greg Pincus

This shirt is great - the best I’ve worn.
Who cares if it’s all frayed and torn
Or that it’s old, and I’ve been growing
And when I stretch my belly’s showing?
The words it showed in blue and red
Are gone (though I know what they said).
I know it’s stained. That’s good for me:
Each splotch contains a memory.
I love this shirt with all my heart.
I’ll wear it 'til it falls apart.
So wash it, please, with love and caring...
To make it last for one more wearing.

The Poetry Friday roundup is up over at the Wild Rose Reader. Check it out (and you might want to check out Elaine's whole blog while you're there, too, if you're a poetry fan). And those of you who know me and are gonna ask... no, I can't pick just ONE favorite shirt of my own.

If you want to get all my poems emailed to you for freeee as they hit the blog, enter your email address in the box below then click subscribe!


  1. Oh, Greg! I've got clothes like that...I think our whole family does...great to keep for wearing around the house. Thank you for the morning-off-to-work smile!

  2. You've said it well for all of us! Love 'Each splotch contains a memory.' So true, so true!

  3. Love this -- and my blue hoodie, which might be older than you.

    Okay, maybe not :D . . .

  4. they say that clothes don't make the man
    but they remember who i am

    well worn, i mean, done!

  5. this, especially

    and I’ve been growing
    And when I stretch my belly’s showing?


  6. I think we have the same favorite shirt!

    I usually think of it as my "new" shirt, and then realize it's fifteen years old.

  7. Greg,
    I thought you snatched my shirt, then read all the other comments... seems this shirt of all of ours has been traveling widely.

  8. Great poem! I think we've all had a favorite shirt, dress, or pair of jeans like this.

  9. Thanks, y'all. It's nice to know we all have the same, but different, favorites!

  10. Hey, Gregory, a little bird told me you had a new, original poem on your favourite shirt today. and do you know what? I'm glad I came by to check it out. It's put a smile on my face!

    BTW you might like this UK poet:

  11. I took have a havorite shirt. I loved your poem.
    And I loved the Laurel Snyder interview too. Monday Pen and Ink will be interviewing fellow poett and Blog Comment Challent member Bill Kirk. He is #121 on the list. This is Susan and Bill and I both have book published by Guardian Angel Publishing.

  12. After seeing so many links to this post on the Kidlitosphere Yahoo group, how could I NOT come over and read your poem?! I, too, love my "clothes with history," and so your poem resonates.

  13. Your poem made me so glad that I've hung onto those much frayed but much loved shirts!

  14. Perfect! Just watch out--that's the kind of shirt mothers are inclined to dispose of without warning...

  15. This one really struck home, and I sent it on to my son, for whom it also struck home! Those shirts are nicely packed away to trigger good memories sometime in his future...

  16. Where's the paint, Greg? Can an old shirt really be said to be loved without a rainbow of paint?
    Liked this!

  17. My favorite t-shirt's sentiments--to a "T." Brilliant, my man.

  18. From one who wears the same sweater every day...I like! Are you familiar with the singer Mary Chapin Carpenter? She has a song called "This Shirt" that I just adore...I bet you'd appreciate it. :)


  19. Waa, I love this poem! Kudos to you, Greg! I’m sure that everyone can relate to every word you pinned and rhymed here. You just told a true story of all of us. :’> Now, I’m wearing my favorite shirt AGAIN; so timely to have read this poem! :D

  20. If your reading this have a good day and this poem is good.
