
Thursday, June 02, 2011

J. Patrick Lewis - With Nuts Only (on Yell "Fudge" at the Cobras in North America Day)

With Nuts Only
J. Patrick Lewis

If you enter his arena
From here to Pasadena
And laugh like a hyena—
A cobra will not budge.

You wave a red bandanna
From here to Indiana,
Or dangle a banana—
He’s sober as a judge.

Since the time of Noah,
A cobra’s like a boa,
And neither one will go a-
Way till you say


Did you know that today, June 2nd, is Yell "Fudge" at the Cobras in North America Day? No? Well, I didn't either until J. Patrick Lewis (oh, excuse me - Children's Poet Laureate J. Patrick Lewis) sent me this piece of wonderfulness. And so, I pass on the news and the poem to you. Fudge!!!!


  1. That is absolute awesomeness! Love it.

  2. Um... yes, the cobras of the world... how do we know they don't like fudge!?

    I love that our Children's Poet Laureate is somewhat crazy.

  3. I chanced upon your blog thru the Poetry round up in the kidlitosphere, and I am glad that it did. I love fudge. =) And chocolate chips. And chocolate syrup. And anything chocolatey for that matter. =)

  4. Pretty effective info, thanks for the post.
