
Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Kindergarteners Don't Scare Me!

Last week, I was lucky enough to hang out with TWO classes of Kindergarteners at Westwood Charter School here in Los Angeles. This was another visit that was part of my Poetry: Spread the Word project, and it was an absolute blast.

Now, I'll admit, I was a tad nervous about spending two hours with kids that young (I did back to back hours with separate classes, not two hours with one group!). But they were engaged, engaging, constantly coming up with fabulous ideas, laughing a lot, and clearly in classrooms where poetry and language were valued. We read some poems, brainstormed, shared stories, and in one case wrote a poem together. Good times, indeed, and further proof that poetry and kids mix well no matter what age!

1 comment:

  1. Bravo. I have to say that when I present to the Kindergarteners, I always feel a throat choking terror of "Uh-oh, I'm not a teacher. They know it and things are going to get out of control." And then I laugh (my form of breathing deeply) and settle in for fun. Unexpected, who-knows-what's-next, fun.
