
Friday, June 03, 2011

It's June (And I Am Still In School) - an end of the school year poem

It’s June (And I’m Still In School)
Greg Pincus

I’ll tell you something most uncool –
It’s June… and I am still in school.
I’ve got some friends whose year is done.
They’re sleeping in. They’re having fun.
Next week they’ll only play and rest
While I will take an English test.
And when they run and laugh and swim...
Guess what? I’m stuck in math and gym.
It isn’t right. It isn’t fair.
I need the late spring’s fresh, warm air.
It’s not that I hate school at all.
I’ll gladly come back in the fall.
And sure, vacation’s coming soon,
But I’m in school. And. It. Is. June!

It's Poetry Friday, and you can see the roundup of blogosphere poetic doings over at The Writer's Armchair. Good times and good reading, indeed.

And if you want to get all my poems emailed to you for freeee as they hit the blog, enter your email address in the box below then click subscribe!


  1. The sad thing about this poem is that when I was teaching is when I felt this the worst!!!

  2. oh yeah, we're hearing a lot of this around here. usually with the word "unfair" attached to it. funny, they never say it's unfair when other kids stat school in the fall before them...

  3. I am sending this poem to my son. He is in middle school for two more weeks. Our district gets out later than the other local schools this year. It. Is. Painful.

  4. We got out LAST Friday, when the calendar still said MAY. It was a glorious thing, and not likely to happen again in my lifetime, so I enjoyed every minute!

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