
Wednesday, June 08, 2011

Zoom, Zoom, Zooooooom!

Days fly past around these parts - I suspect a rift in the time/space continuum, though I can't prove it - and I have had precious little time for blogging. Ahhh, but I've been scribbling and jotting and writing other things, including poetry, so it's all about tradeoffs, I tell ya.

Since time is gonna move fast for all of us (due to the rift, I'm telling ya!), I don't think it's too early to mention the next KidLitCon! It's coming September 16-17th in Seattle, and I can't wait. I missed last year's Con (my first absence :-(), but sure darn tooting plan on being there this year.  You can get more details at Chasing Ray... and even more info will be forthcoming soooooooon.  Hope to see you there!

Now, off to slow down all my clocks....

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