
Monday, February 22, 2010

Blogoversary or Blogiversary? Either Way... Today is Mine!

I'm not sure why I've always spelled this (utterly made up) event Blogoversary. I'm not alone... there's support out there for that spelling, if you search the web. But then again, if you search "blogiversary" you see that that is what Neil Gaiman calls it, and he's had way more of them then I have.

But whichever it is, today is my fourth here at GottaBook, and I'm happy about that. Last month, I celebrated my 1,000th post and gotten an amazing list of wonderful bloggers (you'll be doing yourself a favor if you check them out!), so for now I think I'll keep this low-key. Unless I get an idea, of course. The great thing about having your blog is that... well... it's your blog! As the past four years have shown hereabouts, that means you can do anything you want whenever you want to. Cool.

Thanks to all of y'all for hanging out with me now, in the past, and, I hope, in the future.


  1. Well congrats and happy blogoversary!

    My first time here and I'm going to check out a few posts.

  2. Happy Blog Birthday, Greg, whatever you call it. I'm glad that you're still here!

  3. Congratulations!

  4. Congrats! You have a terrific blog. Keep up the brilliant work. :)

  5. Yes - congratulations INDEED!!!

  6. Congrats, and happy blog-o/i-versary. I've enjoyed reading what you post over the past few months.

  7. Four years and counting ....

    (See how I'm wisely avoiding the spelling debate?)

    So happy to have you here! Congratulations!

  8. Anonymous1:33 PM

    Congrats! Here's to four more years!

  9. Consider the term coined, no matter how you spell it. Love it. Oh, and happy bloggavoisary. My 1,000th post JUST slipped by, and I had planned to celebrate, too. Dang.

  10. Congratulations, Greg! Or Congratolations. Or Congratilations! Either way or all ways, well done!

  11. Congrats indeed on your blog birthday! What are your favourite posts you've written since you started? And what's the best thing you've discovered (apart from other bloggers!) in your blogging journey? Here's to many more posts from you!

  12. Happy blogaversary, Greg! I've gotten so much from your posts - keep 'em coming!

    Blozel tov! - I wish I'd thought of that! Good one April!

  13. Four more years! Four more years! Four more years!
