
Friday, February 19, 2010

Oddaptation Redux - Goodnight Moon

This was the first Oddaptation I wrote and the first I posted, too. Oddaptations are basically short, rhyming Cliff Notes with an edge... and of picture books. And yes, I get hits from Google from people looking for picture book notes all the time.

GOODNIGHT MOON -- Margaret Wise Brown
Oddaptation by Gregory K.

That great room is green.
That old lady’s spooky.
That half eaten bowlful of mush is quite ooky.
That Cow on the wall has leapt off of the ground,
And someone named Nobody’s walking around.
All over the room runs a squeaky, small mouse…
So I hope you sleep well in this creepy, weird house.

The Poetry Friday roundup is up at Irene Latham's Live. Love. Explore! I hope you'll go check it out.

If you want to get all my new poems (and only the poems) emailed to you for freeee as they hit the blog, enter your email address in the box below then click subscribe!


  1. I love the idea that ding-dongs who need Cliff Notes of picture books come to your blog and get your Oddaptations.

    (This is probably my all-time favorite, btw. Never EVER understood what was so great about Goodnight Moon!)

  2. Good poem, Gregory! Very publishable. Oops, I guess it just was. Thanks for sharing!

    Laura Evans

  3. Hee! Love it. :)

  4. Gregory,

    I always enjoy reading--and rereading--your oddaptations.This is one of my favorites too!

  5. That was wonderfully funny -- and creepy. :) Thanks!

  6. Ha! I like this one!

  7. Anonymous11:38 AM

    "Cliffs Notes for picture books" is a brilliant description. How funny that some folks feel they need notes!

  8. This is the first time I've read your Oddaptations. I'll be back for more. Kids would love doing this kinda thing.

  9. Delightful! But when are you not? The bowl full of mush was always my favorite part - probably 'cause I'm a Cream of Wheat fan.

  10. This one always makes me laugh, even though I've read it a bunch of times!
