
Wednesday, February 24, 2010

My First Ever Giveaway!

I've never had a giveaway or contest here on GottaBook or anywhere else on the web, for that matter. That's changing though... at least the second part of it.

Over at The Happy Accident, I'm giving away a social media consultation of the type I've been doing at conferences: you get homework which will tell me what you are doing in social media (if anything) and what you hope to accomplish. Then I read your homework, write up notes for you, and spend 30 minutes talking it all over with you. And yes, you're encouraged to ask questions!

These have proven popular and productive at conferences, so I'm now offering them outside of that environment, too. This one, however, is freeeeeeeeeeeee.

Click here to see how to enter to win ME (well, kinda :-)).

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