
Friday, January 01, 2010

Poetry Re-Issue: Resolutions

I realize that I posted this only a year ago, but today is both Poetry Friday AND New Year's Day! I couldn't help myself....

Gregory K.

Every year on New Year’s Day,
I grab myself a pen.
I write my resolutions down to look at now and then.

Two years ago, I’d written twelve.
I broke them all by June.
Last year I broke them faster still (the first of March at noon).

This isn’t great, I must admit,
But now I’ve got it solved.
And so, this year, on New Year’s Day, here’s what I have resolved:

Bug my dad, annoy my sis,
Distract my oldest brother.
Skip a chore, create a mess, and once ignore my mother,

Chew some gum, devour pie,
Eat burgers, fries, and cakes,
Teach my baby brother all the joys of chocolate shakes.

My resolutions could go on.
Instead, I’ll stop right here.
Just once I’d like to keep them all...
And this might be my year.

You can find the original poem post and comments right here.

Like last year, the first Poetry Friday roundup of the year is here over at A Year of Reading. Head on over and start 2010 with a heaping helping of poetry!

If you want to get all my new poems (and only the poems) emailed to you for freeee as they hit the blog, enter your email address in the box below then click subscribe!

Happy New Year!


  1. Jeez, has it been a whole year?? :)

    This was just as good the second time around, Greg! Good luck keeping the resolutions this year and Happy New Year to you.

  2. Love it! Made me smile.
