
Saturday, January 02, 2010

Poetry time!

I was excited to see the five books on the poetry shortlist for the Cybils this year:

African Acrostics: A Word in Edgeways by Avis Harley
Red Sings from Treetops: A Year in Colors by Joyce Sidman
The Bill Martin Jr. Big Book of Poetry ed. by Bill Martin Jr. & Michael Sampson
The Monsterologist: A Memoir in Rhyme by Bobbie Katz
The Tree That Time Built: A Celebration of Nature, Science and Imagination, ed. by Mary Ann Hoberman and Linda Winston

As always, I look at the titles and first say "Wow. These are great!!!!" Then I put on my "judge" hat and start thinking about how to compare, contrast, enjoy, and discuss the books to end up with only one finalist. Always daunting. Always fun.

All the Cybils shortlists are up here, by the way. Lots of great titles, indeed.

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