
Monday, November 05, 2007

Going around in circles...

Sometimes it's a metaphor and sometimes it's a pretty accurate description of your day. Both fit for me right about now. I figure if this keeps up, I'll end up dizzy....

Apropos of nothing else, I wanted to share the lyrics to a very happy sounding jingle of a radio ad out here in California. It's for Easy Life Furniture, I believe, and the happy chorus sings "The only way to buy furniture for less is to import it yourself... and you don't know how!" Every time I hear this, I laugh. Think that was their intent? Or for that matter... what the heck WAS their intent? Regardless, I like the effect....


  1. Anonymous9:32 AM

    I love those lyrics. Thanks for sharing them!

  2. That is hilarious and must have been their intent. Hilarity has the ring of truth!

  3. I have only heard it once, and I actually took my eyes off the road to look down at my radio, as if to question its sanity. What a god-awful jingle. I have seriously considered calling the place to find out the real story!
