
Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Could it be...

... that I have an addiction? It's been too long since I got in to read at my library, and I'm actually cranky about it. Is this an addiction? And is it bad? And could it be more pronounced because the last read-aloud was Jules Feiffer's Bark George, and it was stupendous???

I need a fix! Egad....


  1. Reading aloud to kids is addictive. I have been rather pitifully begging for reading gigs at our local schools' "I Love to Read" week events.

    Suggestion for read aloud: Snip Snap!: What's That? by Mara Bergman and Nick Maland
    It is outstanding.

  2. Anonymous2:23 PM

    I second Camille's suggestion. I read Snip Snap aloud at every opportunity.

    I've read Bark, George aloud so often that I have it memorized, and I *still* think it's funny.

  3. Sara introduced me to Bark, George, and I love it. Love love love.

  4. Bark George is one of my absolute favorites to read aloud! It never gets old!

    (I got here from
