
Tuesday, March 06, 2007

And don't forget...

You still have time to sign up for the teleseminar I'm doing with the Blog Squad. It's today at 5 o'clock Los Angeles time, so even if you don't sign up, whatever ya do... don't call me then! (Edited to note that no, you no longer have time to sign up to listen today)

(And hey... thanks to the Publicity Hound, Joan Stewart, for the lovely write up on me, the Blog Squad, and today's seminar in her remarkable (and shockingly free) weekly ezine The Publicity Hound's Tips of the Week! Get thee to her site and go learn a ton, I tell ya. Good stuff indeed.)


  1. Hi Greg,

    Just wanted to wish you all the best for your seminar tonight. I'm sorry I can't join you - I have school stuff for my kids, but I am planning to contact the Blog Squad to see about getting a copy of the CD. I don't want to miss it! You got a nice mention on the JStewart Publicity Newsletter!


  2. Hey, thanks, Barbara! I'm really looking forward to it, I must say. As you know, I loooove talking about the blogosphere.

  3. Anonymous7:19 AM

    Hey, finally a picture on your blog And the current you has a whole head of hair!

    Greg T

  4. Yes, Greg, but I'm afraid I'm living proof that your "rejection causes hairloss" theory isn't likely correct. I'm not saying I have ALL my hair, but if it's a function of number of rejections... well, I'd be balder than Yul Brenner.
