
Wednesday, March 07, 2007

The day after....

Well, I must say, I had a great time talking with the wonderful, witty Blog Squad yesterday on our teleseminar. I hope all of y'all who joined us found it worthwhile. I'd love to hear feedback or answer questions that might have come up, so feel free to e-mail me. Heck, folks who weren't in the seminar can e-mail me, too. Don't be shy.

And once you're done with me, why not head out to Terry Pierce's blog where she's starting a fun list of invented "celebrity children's books" such as...

If You Give a Mouse a Cookie, It Better Be Low-Carb -- Dr. Robert C. Atkins
A Tinkle in Time: Toilet Training by Dr. Phil

I think you get the idea. Good fun, indeed.


  1. Anonymous11:35 PM

    Greg, I took part in yesterday's phone seminar. Except for the incessant beeping coming from . . . what was that? Someone's call waiting, I guess. But I digress. Yes, it was a wonderfully inspiring talk. Very helpful! And congratulations on the 2-book deal with Arthur Levine! Very cool!

  2. Thanks, Eileen! Glad to hear it was helpful. Oh, and that beeping was actually folks entering the conference. We heard it, too, even though we were able to mute out other sounds. I admit I stopped hearing it after a while... but think I might've dreamed about it last night anyway!

  3. I'm working on editing the audio on the CD and have managed to get most of the beeps out, except where important information was being conveyed over the beep!

    Thanks for joining us, Greg. It was a great call, from The Blog Squad's perspective and I look forward to reading the transcript to get more nuggets.

  4. Thanks for sending folks along my way, Greg. I love poking fun at celebrity wannabe children's writers and welcome everyone to poke along with me :-)
