
Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Here a congrat, there a congrat, and then...

First off, big congrats to Lisa Yee for being named the Thurber House writer in residence this summer. She gets to spend a month in the room where the bed fell on Thurber's father. That, by itself, is unbelievably cool. And that she's invited 30 other writers to come stay there and.... What? Oh. My bad.

Also congratulations to the Golden Kite winners (including editors and art directors) announced today by the SCBWI.

And finally, in the non-congratulatory realm.... I know most of you read Fuse #8 (and if not, why not?????), but I'm still gonna have to steal a link from her, since this movie is just so rocking. Watch it twice... just because you can!

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