
Friday, March 20, 2015

The Drought of March - a poetry poem

The Drought of March
Greg Pincus

There isn't a doubt:
It's a poetry drought.

My wordplay is weak.
My images - bleak.
My pacing feels weary,
My word choices dreary.
My assonance? Blah.
And consonance? Ha!
My rhyme's a disgrace.
My meter's a bit inconsistent.
My similes whiff.
And zeugmas? As if!
My output's pathetic.
I'm just not poetic.

Oh! April's sweet showers
Please rebirth the powers
That March has neglected
(This one verse excepted).

I think I should dedicate today's poem to Ms. Harris, my 11th grade English teacher who made all her students memorize the first 18 lines of the prologue to The Canterbury Tales.  In Middle English. To be recited. Yes, in Middle English.

Many years later, the first four lines still rattle around in my head... and somehow, someway gave birth to this poem's title and close. I hereby apologize for thinking that this bit of memorization would never pay dividends.

Now, while I might be in a drought, there's been no such dry spell online. Don't believe me? Well, check out this week's Poetry Friday roundup over at Reading to the Core. Believe me now? I thought so.

And if you want to get all my poems emailed to you for freeee as they hit the blog, enter your email address in the box below then click subscribe:


  1. I also grew up at a time when memorization of poetry was a staple, from elementary through high school. And Prologue to the Canterbury Tales? Every first day of Spring (hurrah, that's today!) it's the first eight lines my son and I get through, texting (would Chaucer roll over in his grave?)...

  2. Great poem! I loved "My meter's a bit inconsistent" & "And zeugmas? As if!" in particular :-)

  3. Oh, wow. We never had to recite from that bit, but we had to read the entire Tales in Middle English, freshman year in college and know enough to write a full stanza and recite from whatever tale we chose, when called upon. Good times.

  4. With this poem I think your drought is over! So clever - especially the lines
    "My similes whiff.
    And zeugmas? As if!"
    Can't imagine memorizing in Middle English, let alone reading in it! =)

  5. We've missed you! Glad to hear the poetic drought is Marching its way out!

  6. Clever and fun. I only had to memorize the first two lines in high school (extra points for proper pronunciation!), but like Tanita, I had a college professor who made us read the entire thing in Middle English. No looking up words allowed.

  7. I would love an anthology of all the poems and essays that have ever been written about not having anything to write or not being able to write. This poem, of course, would be included!

    My favorite part:

    "My rhyme's a disgrace.
    My meter's a bit inconsistent."

  8. Love this, Greg! I have to join the chorus of favoriting "My meter's a bit inconsistent." It was entirely unexpected, and like hitting a pothole (--but a fun one that doesn't hurt your tires). I also appreciate the nod to the California drought.

  9. Hi, Greg! Yeah, you got me at the same point you got the others. Well done! -Ed

  10. I just love this, Greg! Poetic drought? I have great doubt!

  11. Anonymous6:01 PM

    That was fun, Greg :) And you're not in a drought---just maybe for the kind of stuff you preFER to write. But I thoroughly enjoyed THIS one :)

  12. I read this today and thought of this post.

    Love your poem, btw.

  13. looking forward to a poetry flood during poetry month!
