
Friday, January 09, 2015

Vacation Timekeeping - a vacation poem

Vacation Timekeeping
Greg Pincus

Time flies on school vacation!
Up 'til now I'd found that true.
But this time 'round, I have to say,
I found that my time flu.

Just for the record, this poem is (thankfully) not autobiographical. It's just some silliness, I tell ya!

This week's Poetry Friday Roundup is hosted by Tabatha over at The Opposite of Indifference. Check it out for all sorts of poetry fun.

And if you want to get all my poems emailed to you for freeee as they hit the blog, enter your email address in the box below then click subscribe:


  1. Greg, I found your poem to be light and charming. Thankfully, it was not autobiographical but I am sure it would resonant with many a child who is afflicted by the winter flu.

  2. Thanks for the giggle, Greg. Glad it's not autobiographical.

  3. Eve Yohalem5:39 AM

    I love a good pun. Thanks, Greg! (Glad you're not sick.)

  4. Too funny! So glad it is not true - the flu is the worst no matter when you get it. Happy New Year! =)

  5. Yeah, I can relate. I didn't get the full-on flu, but I did contract a virus that is holding on for the FOURTH week! I just can't shake the cough and drainage. Ugh.

    But your poem made me laugh!!

  6. Greg, I love the twist in your poem!Right before winter break, we had a lot of kids and staff out with the flu. So my students will surely relate to your poem! I have been fortunate not to get it YET, and I hope my luck continues.

  7. Anonymous10:13 AM

    Glad your time didn't flu! I hear a lot of folks did.

  8. Yes, sir. Me, too! I flu.
