
Friday, January 02, 2015

My New Year's Resolutions Are Making Me Loopy - a resolutions poem

My New Year's Resolutions Are Making Me Loopy
Greg Pincus

I make ten resolutions every year, and they seem good.
But I can never keep them even though I know I should.
And so this year I added one when it was time to make 'em:
I resolved that this would be the year that I would break 'em!
Yet now each time I break one I quite quickly start up weeping
Because it means that there is one that I continue keeping.
Yet if I keep one then it means there's one that I am breaking
Which means I've kept what I resolved, of that there's no mistaking.
But keeping resolutions means I broke my resolution
Which means, again, I've kept the one I thought was the solution.
Still, keeping means I'm breaking... and I'm feeling like a dum-dum
Since now I fear I'll spend my year resolving this conundrum.

Happy New Year, y'all! And welcome to the first Poetry Friday of 2015, with the roundup hosted by Tricia over at The Miss Rumphius Effect. And in an attempt to give you some insight into my writing process, behold the assistance I got writing this very poem:

I hope this year is one of health and contentment for you and yours (with smatterings of poetry and pie and dogs, of course!).

Oh, and if you want to get all my poems emailed to you for freeee as they hit the blog, enter your email address in the box below then click subscribe:


  1. Great poem, Greg - it made me giggle.

  2. Poetry and pie and dogs --- AND a super-fun poem. :) Thank you, Greg. Happy 2015!!

  3. Wow, love this, Greg! Happy New Year!

  4. Wonderful! Thanks for turning my brain into a pretzel. :)

  5. Anonymous9:13 AM

    What a wonderful assistant! and a funny-yet-true poem!

  6. What a fun conundrum, Greg! (I love that word, conundrum.)
    Happy new year!

  7. Aww.. loyal, cutie pie writing assistant you have there, Greg.

    Smiled widely with this sliding, clever, circling piece that begs to be shared widely.

  8. That's what you get for making resolutions of ANY kind. You should just follow your muse and take a NAP!

  9. Great poem Greg! I am keeping it simple this year. My only resolution: More Hugs!

  10. Happy New Year, Greg. Wishing you lots of laughs as you work your way through this conundrum.

  11. To break or not to break, that is the question . . . I love your sense of humor!

  12. Brilliant and funny! I love your use of "resolving" in the last line.

  13. silly fun! Happy New Year,

  14. A conundrum indeed! Thanks for sharing, & Happy New Year!

  15. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  16. Charming, humorous poem that made me laugh-a very good thing. Keep the humor coming, Greg, to provide a certain levity for our one little word journeys. I just sent another take on my OLW out today ( Consider joining the newest global gallery of artistic expressions: Winter Whisperings. Your whisperings could bring a light hearted fare to my endeavor. (

  17. I enjoyed your poem. I hope you write more.

  18. Everyone's favorite conundrum lol. I loved this!

  19. Everyone's favorite conundrum lol. I loved this!
