
Thursday, February 06, 2014

Elegy for a Cookie - a cookie poem/a food poem

Elegy for a Cookie
Greg Pincus

I walked in from my car - you fell off of your platter.
You landed unnoticed, alone.
Oh, how I wish you had made a loud clatter
Or simply picked up the phone!

But no, you just stayed on the ground overnight
Exposed to the cold and the dew.
Now, come the morning, you're truly a sight:
You're less yummy solid, more goo.

The world was a cruel one for you, you poor guy -
A place full of heartache and hurt.
Yet I toast you my friend, with a tear in my eye:
You would have been one fine dessert.

Yes, this is based on a true, sad story of a cookie that escaped my post-Super Bowl party dessert-extraction expedition. Poor cookie. Poor me, who didn't get to eat said cookie!

Today, however, cookieless though I may be, I know I can eat my fill of poetry simply by checking out the Poetry Friday roundup over at No Water River. Great links to check out there and... a giveaway!. It's like a win-win!

By the way, if you want to get all the new poems hereabouts emailed to you for freeee as they hit the blog, enter your email address in the box below then click subscribe!


  1. HA! I had to come over as soon as I saw that desolate cookie. I think we should start a poetry project of elegies. With your "Elegy for a Cookie" and my "Elegy for a Daffodil," I think we're on to something!

  2. We seem to be on the same wavelength today, Greg! The loss of a chocolate chip cookie is indeed a lamentable occasion. Hope you had another one to console you :-)

  3. What can I say? Sorry for the cookie but happy you got a good poem out of it.

  4. Were they dark chocolate chips? Great poem, but now I need to raid the cupboards.

  5. I laughed, I cried, I got hungry...all the emotions! Thanks for sharing! LOL!

  6. Love this! With new year resolutions fading, I'm cooing to try to visual sweet the way they'd look after a night on the pavement in the elements.
    Think that would help resist temptation?
    How tempted were you to still "check it out" ala CSI?

  7. Okay, the above should have been "going to visualize sweets". See what my messages look like before proofing for typos and auto-correct?

  8. Only you, Greg, could turn a lost cookie into a funny poem!

  9. Too funny! We have plenty of cookies to share at our house as my daughter is a Girl Scout. Would a Tagalong make you feel better? =)

  10. Poor guy! Both of you. ;)
