
Thursday, January 30, 2014

Notes on Spirit Week at My School (Part 1) - a school poem/a spirit week poem

Notes on Spirit Week at My School (Part 1)
Greg Pincus

Pajama Day's rough
If you sleep in the buff!

(Hat tip to Evan Pincus for the idea/help on this poem.)

Growing up, I was never a fan of Spirit Week or Spirit Days or any such, particularly not Pajama Day. Interestingly, of course, now I wish I could just wear a comfy robe all day when I go out and about....

To up your spirits... it's Poetry Friday (already back East as I post this, in fact)! You can check out this week's roundup of poetry awesomeness at the always fantabulous Miss Rumphius Effect. It's always good stuff, I say to you.

And if you want to get all the new poems hereabouts emailed to you for freeee as they hit the blog, enter your email address in the box below then click subscribe!


  1. Funny. I did get your poem while still in my jammies, long flannel pants and a big red flannel robe. It's cold outside!

  2. Ha! I think y'all need softer sheets!

  3. Hi, Greg. It's Wacky Tacky Day at my daughter's middle school. Spirit Week is a great way for kids to step out of the usual teen uniform (jeans, hoodie, etc.)and express their individuality. But Pajama Day in the buff may be a little too expressive.

  4. Reminiscent of a bad dream I have on occasion. In school forgot to wear pants....

    well done!

  5. I work from home. I'm in pajama-like clothes all the time. It would be hard to ever go back to an office job, that's for sure.

  6. LOL! Pajama Day at home is an everyday occurrence if my girls can get a way with it. Thanks for the smile today. = )

  7. Ha! I cannot stand these pajama days - how ever does one teach in these, as some of my young colleagues do? And...I sleep in granny gowns!

  8. Ha! I cannot stand these pajama days - how ever does one teach in these, as some of my young colleagues do? And...I sleep in granny gowns!

  9. HA! I just had a conversation with my students about this -- revealed that I went out and bought a pair of actual pajamas that only get worn on pajama days at school! I sleep in sweats and an old holey t-shirt!
