
Sunday, October 20, 2013

Yay! Pie! Or... Tales from a Launch

Well, that was fun! I think I should launch a book every couple weeks or so.

Thanks to everyone who came out to the Flintridge Bookstore to join the 14 Fibs celebration. It was wonderful to be surrounded by such great people and to get to express my gratitude and share my glee in person.

Thanks, too, to the everyone at Flintridge Books for making the launch as easy and fun for me as it could be.

Also, thanks to those of you who watched the live stream! Eventually, I'll edit the video down to something full of highlights, but for those of you who want to watch... you can see it here. The "Greg talking/reading" part starts around 42 minutes in, so just fast forward and it'll be like you were there... though you'll have to fend for yourself when it comes to pie.

And also... I'm so grateful to all of you who sent notes, have bought the book, have celebrated with me through the years, and in general been such a part of my journey. The launch is just one part of it - a fun, delicious part - yet I've felt that same vibe from all of you for a long, long time. Thank you!

And now... I gotta book. More soon!


  1. WriterSideUp1:10 PM

    Greg, I wish I could've watched it "LIVE," but getting to watch it the following day was definitely fun, and it was actually enjoyable letting it run and hearing all the background talk in the store :)

    It all gave me a glimpse into what you're like as a person (you seem so nice), and certainly a better take on your book! I still haven't snapped the photo of it, face out on the Barnes shelf, but I'll get around to it :)

  2. WriterSideUp1:11 PM

    ...and I forgot to mention:


  3. The pie was yummy! And in answer to an earlier question of yours... I've got a post up that talks more of the tech aspects of the event. Glad you enjoyed watching the delayed stream!
