
Friday, November 23, 2012

Poetry Re-issue: The Day After Thanksgiving

The Day After Thanksgiving
Greg Pincus

Yesterday my grandpa pinched my cheek and said I’d grown.
I heard my uncle’s lousy jokes and held back every moan.
I had to watch the football games instead of what I like.
I had to watch my cousins all take turns on my new bike.
I had to take a taste of Auntie’s tofu bean sprout "stuff."
I didn’t get the apple crisp – Mom didn’t make enough!
The table got so messy that I had to clear it twice.
I couldn’t wear my comfy clothes since Dad said, "Please dress nice."
All day I heard my grandma say how crazy my dog drove her.
Today I’m thankful we’re alone ‘cause I’ve got zilch left over.

This poem was originally posted here at GottaBook two years ago. I'd be willing to bet it's as relevant today as it was then or decades ago, too.

This week's Poetry Friday roundup is over at A Year of Reading. I'm thankful for everyone who shares poetry on Fridays... as well as Saturdays through Thursdays, too!

If you want to get all my new poems (and only the poems) emailed to you for freeee as they hit the blog, enter your email address in the box below then click subscribe!


  1. Brilliant. I think many of us have memories like this.

  2. Thanksgiving from an introvert's point of view. I love it.

  3. Yup, still relevant.

  4. Ha! Makes me even more grateful for the lovely Thanksgiving we had with our in-town relatives. A great day with way too much food and fun!

  5. Greg: It was great meeting you today at the Santa Monica Library! ;)

    Here's a poem I wrote:
    v v v v v v v v


    She wanted to take a closer look
    At the lobsters in the tank
    Critters unwittingly waiting to cook
    Roll the dice, roll your eyes, draw a blank.

    Their large claws secured with rubber bands
    She really can see no escape
    When time runs out like the hourglass sands
    Your remains will be served in a crepe.

    -- H A L
    B O G O T C H
