
Monday, October 08, 2012

Awesomeness in Song (and Book!)

This is a video of author (and ukelele player, obviously!) Mike Jung at the official book launch for his debut novel Geeks, Girls, and Secret Identities.

You won't see me do this at my launch... but that's only cuz I can neither sing or play like he can. If I could, I'd ask him for the rights to this song in a heartbeat.

Go buy his book. I mean, if you like seriously funny middle grade stuff and all. Or if you just want to help him get new pants.

(And if you can't see the video here, check it out on YouTube cuz it'll make you smile.)


  1. Great post. Makes me wish I'd taken those ukelele lessons last time I was in Hawaii

  2. I bet he sold quite a few books, I'd buy one if I were in the audience, wouldn't be able to resist the singing! Fun, thank you for sharing this.

  3. Yeah, my mom never suggested that if I kept up with piano it would be useful in a context like this.... Pretty irresistible "ask," I must say.

  4. LOVE it!! Thank you, Gregory!

  5. LOVE IT :) Really great post. THX :)
