
Friday, October 05, 2012

A Poem for Banned Books Week

A Poem for Banned Books Week
Greg Pincus

Lay off my Harry Potter.
Please leave Tango here with me.
Let me read Alexie's Diary from sea to shining sea.

When Margaret wants to talk to God
Don't take away her voice.
Avoid To Kill a Mockingbird but let ME make MY choice.

I'm enlisting in the Chocolate War.
I'll count Alice as my friend.
What My Mother Doesn't Know can't hurt me in the end.

Twilight and the Hunger Games?
Don't rip them from my hand.
Yet if you try, I'll still read on...
Since I am with the banned. 

I give myself lots of poetry prompts and challenges, though it's rare I share the results here. However, I liked how this one started with the phrase "I'm with the banned" and ended up where it ended up. Plus... it's timely since it is, indeed, Banned Books Week.

It's also Poetry Friday, and this week's Poetry Friday roundup is over at Laura Salas' Writing the World for Kids. I hope you'll go check it out.

And if you want to get all my poems emailed to you for freeee as they hit the blog, enter your email address in the box below then click subscribe!


  1. Hi, Greg. I like how you wove so many titles into this story. I picked up a banned books bracelet (the "beads" are book covers) at ALA a few years ago. People are always surprised about some of the titles that have been banned.

  2. Exceptionally fine Banned Book Week poem. I like the combination of "old regulars" and newcomers to the list. Attitude, too: let me read what I want and I won't tell you what to read!

  3. I like the mental image of all these banned characters being together and each reader of the poem getting to stand with them...
    "I am with the banned."
    Me, too.
    Thanks for sharing this, Greg!

  4. Thanks, y'all! I'm always happy when an "exercise" turns out well. Plus, this week always speaks to me. In fact, back in high school (a few years ago :-)), I did original oratory in speech and debate about banned books. Same as it ever was, I guess.

  5. I am with the banned!! What a great line!

  6. We had a big discussion in clas about this today....the only silver lining: my sixth graders think banning books is just plain stupid. There is hope....

  7. Yup, "I am with the banned" is fabulous! Love the rhythm and all the titles worked in. Nice!

  8. Good job, Greg. I read your poem first without the italics (no italics in the email version). I think I almost like it better, maybe because they seem like people rather than books?

  9. My students were ASTONISHED that HP has been banned.

    Great poem.

  10. Greg, great poem! I love "I'm enlisting in the Chocolate War" and the reference to Are You There, God? It's Me, Margaret.
