
Sunday, April 29, 2012

Alma Flor Ada - To Poetry/A La Poesía

To Poetry/A La Poesía
Alma Flor Ada

I have posted Alma Flor Ada's poem as an image instead of text so that it looks the way it should. If you subscribe to the blog and cannot see it, please click here. If you click on the image itself, it will appear bigger.

Alma Flor Ada is a teacher, an advocate, a well-loved speaker, a onetime Fulbright scholar, and an award-winning author and poet. She's written for adults and children, written fiction and non-fiction, written poetry and memoir, and, obviously, does all this in Spanish and English. And yes, I'm trying not to be all fanboy gushy and stuff, but let's just say I might've squeed a little in excitement when she said she'd join the fun here this month. Let's just keep that between you and me, though, okay?

I love the celebration that is To Poetry/A La Poesía. And I love that in its own way, it's an instruction manual... teaching by example as well as by explanation. As with so much of her work, the poem creates an emotional reaction in me, and like always the emotions are never forced or obvious but instead comes from the power of her stories and words. I'm a rather big fan, in case that's not clear, and I'm thrilled to have Alma Flor Ada here today as part of 30 Poets/30 Days.

Yesterday, Kimberly Marcus gave us Revision. Tomorrow... Telling Time from Marilyn Nelson brings the 2012 edition of 30 Poets/30 Days to a close.


  1. A lovely 'almost the ending' poem for April. Amazing to think of writing poetry in two languages. Thanks, Greg.

  2. Beautiful poem to share today from such an accomplished talent. Thank you, Greg and Alma Flor.

  3. I am always happy to see that the word "poetry" is "la poesia," which reminds me of a poesy. This poem is indeed a bouquet.

  4. Wonderful. A nice dance for both eye and mind.

  5. Anonymous3:33 PM

    That is equally beautiful in both languages. There's so many wonderful poets out there.

  6. Poems everywhere are standing a little bit taller and smiling! I so love poems in two languages, and this one is just a delight. Thank you! a.

  7. The diversity of the 30/30 gang every year is so important and so is this children's poet.

  8. A gift for all, this poem -- fabulous! Thank you for sharing it!

  9. Only today have I seen the posting and all the generous comments. What a joy to have been able to share my love for poetry through this blog and what an honor to have been read by all of you.
    Viva la poesia!
    My best wishes to all who read this blog and all poetry lovers, from the beautiful island of Menorca, poetry made Mediterranean blue.
    Alma Flor Ada

  10. Only today have I seen the posting of my poem and all the generous comments. My best wishes to all who share the love of poetry.
    Viva la poesia!
    From beautiful Menorca, poetry turned into Mediterranean blue.
    Alma Flor Ada
