
Monday, March 12, 2012

Outside This Blog o' Mine....

If you haven't been following along about what's happened in Tucson with the shutting down of the Mexican-American Studies program in their schools, you really should hurry over to Deb Reese's American Indians in Children's Literature blog for fantastic coverage - updates from teachers and students, perspective from other corners, and more. This is a story worth understanding, and her coverage is the best I've found.

On the lighter side, Ed DeCaria came up with a fantastic and wonderfully loopy idea: a March Madness event featuring 64 poets! I'm in, man!

The way it's gonna work is that we'll each get a word assigned to us... then we'll have 36 hours to write a poem. Then there's voting to move on in the bracket. It's a tough game - I'm matched up against Dave Crawley! Yikes! But it's all in good fun, so no worries. There will be 122 new poems created during the event, so bookmark Ed's site to follow along.

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