
Friday, March 09, 2012

No Poem Today (a poem)

No Poem Today (a poem)
Greg Pincus

No poem today.
Now, go away.
I’ve got nothing to share.
My empty words
Are for the birds,
And I don’t even care.
If I had time
Perhaps I'd rhyme
Or write a new haiku.
But I don’t.
So I won’t.
My words are stuck like glue.

The Poetry Friday roundup is up over at Gathering Books today. Go on over and check it out.

If you'd to get all the poems here at GottaBook emailed to you for freeee as they hit the blog, enter your email address in the box below then click subscribe!


  1. Greg,

    I'm sorry you're down
    and feeling blue
    and so over stressed
    words aren't working for you.
    I like to read
    the poems you write.
    They make me laugh
    and feel less up-tight.
    So thanks for the poem
    it's just what I need.
    The Rx for you
    is a Poetry Read.

    Have a great Friday and super weekend. Thanks for the fun poem.

  2. You're welcome. And thank you. Or put another way...

    When words do not come
    And all things annoy...
    A comment like yours
    Fills the day with Joy.

  3. How can I top these comments true?
    I'm not sure at what I should do.
    And so I'll end this terrible rhyme
    Wishing words for you to use NEXT time.

  4. Ok, I'll leave.
    But I'll be back.
    Great poems are something
    you don't often lack.

  5. You say no poem, and yet you post one;
    Do you say no party, and then host one?
    Are you trying to lower our expectations
    And then surprise us with your creations?

  6. I hope your words
    will come unstuck.
    I wish you lots
    of writing luck.
    May you dig
    out of the muck.
    And take off
    in a poem truck!

    Oh, Greg. I know this feeling! Thanks for writing even if you really DID feel stuck! a.
