
Saturday, December 31, 2011

December 31st (Looking Back) - an end of the year poem/a New Year's poem

December 31st (Looking Back)
Greg Pincus

The year’s near done. Let’s review:
Resolutions? Kept a few.
Top 10 goals? I reached two.
School and chores? At least they’re through.
Learned to drum. Tried kung fu.
Wrote and sang and read and drew.
Food I’ve tried? A list that grew!
Had a crush, but won’t say who.
Played with friends (including you).
Failed a lot as this year flew.
Tonight one year will say “adieu.”
Tomorrow, we can start anew...
But looking back, this much is true:
I tried my best, and that'll do.

Thanks to all of you for being part of the year here at GottaBook. I wish you all a new year filled with health, joy, and juuuust enough of the dessert of your choice.

If you want to get all my poems emailed to you for freeee as they hit the blog, enter your email address in the box below then click subscribe!

Friday, December 30, 2011

Thoughts While Sweeping the Kitchen (After Taking Out the Trash) - a cleaning poem

Thoughts While Sweeping the Kitchen (After Taking Out the Trash)
Greg Pincus

I said I was bored.
I got chored.
Why can’t I ever just be ignored?

The last Poetry Friday roundup of the year is over at Julie Larios' blog, the Drift Record. Be sure to check it out!

And if you want to get all my poems emailed to you for freeee as they hit the blog, enter your email address in the box below then click subscribe!

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Two Good Things

First up for your end of the year pleasure... the last Carnival of Children's Literature of the year, over at Jennifer's Jean Little Library blog.

And then, to kick off 2012 in style, why not join my friend Deb Marshall for a middle-grade read-a-thon? It's running Jan 2-Jan 8, and entry is as easy as signing up. There are even some prizes, if you need incentive beyond just reading good middle grade books.

Two good things, indeed!

Friday, December 23, 2011

Dear Santa, About Your Lists... (a paradox) - a Christmas poem

Greg Pincus

I’m really quite nervous I’m on the wrong list:
I’ve been “naughty” so much of the year.
And this means that Santa, if you do exist,
My Christmas won’t be full of cheer.

You see, this creates us a terrible mess.
Truly it wasn’t my goal,
But there’s only one thing I want, I confess:
A shiny, big, black lump of coal.

The problem, I think, is that if I’d been nice,
I’d get what I want in my stocking.
But since I behaved well perhaps once or twice...
To get what I want would be shocking.

Yet “naughty” kids get what I want, so you see...
That’s the reason I lied, spat, and stole.
Please keep that in mind when you come to my tree:
I want a big, black lump of coal.

I’d hate to get presents like music or money.
Don’t bring me a new catcher’s mitt.
No movies or Lego or books that are funny.
No, I wouldn’t like them one bit.

I know I was “naughty,” but please break your rule.
I’ve heard you’re a jolly old soul...
And giving me what I don’t want would be cruel!
So, please, bring a big lump of coal.

The Poetry Friday roundup is over at Dori Reads today. Why not head over and check it out?

If you want to get all my poems emailed to you for freeee as they hit the blog, enter your email address in the box below then click subscribe!

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Children's Poetry in 2011

Over at PACYA's Poetry at Play blog, there's a post chock full o' info about poetry books published this year (from picture book up to YA. from collections of poetry to novels in verse).

Head on over to check it out and join in celebrating the talented folk writing poetry for kids today.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Lists and Changes

Gobs and gobs of end of the year lists are coming out these days: books of the year, YA books of the year, picture books of the year, no doubt even lists of the year. There are a whole bunch of great books, like all years, so that's not the change I'm noticing. Instead, I'm noticing how many of the authors on these lists I interact with: at SCBWI conferences, on Facebook, on blogs, or on Twitter.

There are some authors on these lists who I know solely from social media (Mike Mullin, author of Ashfall, comes to mind). There are some I know from conferences or other children's lit related events. Many are a combination of the two.

When I flash back to 2006, when I started blogging here at GottaBook, I see this as a huge change - both for me personally but also for how our community has continued to connect via social media.

I think it's important for authors and illustrators to be building a platform for so many reasons (not, by the way, so that I get to know them, but so that thousands of "I's" get to know them!), so I'm excited to see folks being visible. And personally? Well, I admit I'm excited seeing people I know get recognized for their achievements.

And here's to more of the same in 2012 and beyond!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

It's a Good Deal, I Say! Get Lee Wind in Your School....

I am excited to see that my friend Lee Wind has announced a grant program to help schools afford his speaker visits in 2012. This is a great deal for everyone... and it particularly benefits students, as Lee's speaking work is a critically important.

If you don't know Lee and his blog, I'm Here, I'm Queer, What the Hell do I read?, then I doubly urge you to go check his site out. As a speaker, Lee offers a Smashing Stereotypes workshop and a school assembly called SAFE SPACE: Ending Anti-Gay bullying in our Culture... and in Your School. And if you do know Lee, I'm pretty darn sure you'll join me in urging others to do what they can bring him to your school today.

Lee doesn't like to toot his own horn (okay, fine - who does???), so I was glad to see him post comments from students and counselors who've attended his workshops. I look forward to more such comments rolling in throughout 2012!

Monday, December 05, 2011

This Tuesday's #Kidlitchat

Last week, #kidlitchat ran into technical difficulties on Twitter, so we've re-scheduled the same topic for this week... and since it might be of interest to some of you, I thought I'd share it here. We'll be talking about book launches: what to do to help put your book out into the world... and when to do it, too. We'll be sharing tips, asking questions, coming up with timelines, sharing what's worked and what hasn't... and it'd be great to see you there.

#kidlitchat happens every Tuesday night at 9 PM Eastern/6 PM Pacific on Twitter. If you've never joined a Twitter chat, Debbie Ridpath Ohi has a fabulous article on the hows and whys of them that I highly recommend.

Hope to see you there, this week or some Tuesday in the future!

Sunday, December 04, 2011

Poetry Resources

The fabulous Sylvia Vardell put together a post with various FREE poetry resources that she shared during her NCTE presentation.

If you love poetry, or love to teach poetry, or want to love poetry, or want to find other ways to teach poetry, or... oh, heck, just check it out.