
Tuesday, December 13, 2011

It's a Good Deal, I Say! Get Lee Wind in Your School....

I am excited to see that my friend Lee Wind has announced a grant program to help schools afford his speaker visits in 2012. This is a great deal for everyone... and it particularly benefits students, as Lee's speaking work is a critically important.

If you don't know Lee and his blog, I'm Here, I'm Queer, What the Hell do I read?, then I doubly urge you to go check his site out. As a speaker, Lee offers a Smashing Stereotypes workshop and a school assembly called SAFE SPACE: Ending Anti-Gay bullying in our Culture... and in Your School. And if you do know Lee, I'm pretty darn sure you'll join me in urging others to do what they can bring him to your school today.

Lee doesn't like to toot his own horn (okay, fine - who does???), so I was glad to see him post comments from students and counselors who've attended his workshops. I look forward to more such comments rolling in throughout 2012!

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